Daz Install Manager Problem

LostMemberLostMember Posts: 4


I just downloaded and installed the Daz Install Manager. When starting it up it wants to download all the essentials but the downloads immediately fail. When clicking on "Retry" the downloads also immediately fail. I tried it with deactivated windows firewall but it didn't help. Does anyone know what might be the problem here? My pc runs on windows 10 btw. 

Edit: I looked up the Logs and here is what it says for all the downloads:

2023-08-24 11:04:50.631 [INFO] :: Requesting: 86958-1 : Genesis 9 Starter Essentials (1 of 2)
2023-08-24 11:04:50.683 [WARNING] :: SSL Error: Unable To Get Local Issuer Certificate - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found : Certificate is valid
2023-08-24 11:04:50.684 [WARNING] :: Network Error: 0 -  : SSL handshake failed

Post edited by LostMember on


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