How do I open the Property Editor
I am trying to set up a custom morph for a shirt I made,
I have loaded the morph with morph loader pro, and it shows up under parameters, so far so good. However, the morph is not showing up on the Shaping tab.
According to the documentation, ( I need to edit the group/node properties with the Property Editor.
The documentation shows an icon to click on to open the property editor, but I do not have that icon on any of my toolbars.
I am using Daz3d Studio Pro 4,8 with the City Limits layout.
My question do I open the Property Editor? I have looked through all the menus and toolbars but cannot seem to figure this out.
Thanks in advance for any help here.
... thank you Richard :-)
To make a property show up in the Shaping pane its type must be set as a Modifier/Shape - click the gear icon on the parameter's slider, select Parameter Settings, and change the type there.
The type is already set to Modifier/Shape. According to the documentation I need to make further adjustments to the Parameters using the Parameter Editor, but I can't figure out how to open it. My question is, how do I open the Parameter Editor so I can follow the documentation steps to get the morph to show up in the shaping tab.
Ah, yes - its path needs to be under Actor. You can also do that in Parameter Settings.
The tutorial you are looking at is old - Property Editor was problematic for some of us (it took about half-an-hour to populate for me) so it was repalced with Edit Mode on the Parameters pane (right-click to launch) and the Property Hierarchy pane.
And for me it was never the same twice in a row...sometimes it would populate quickly and other times it would take forever. And yes, the same item, from a clean load, just started. It seemed to coincide with how slow CMS was to populate, too.
The way it is now is the better way, once you get used to it.
So hopefully you have reported that so people don't keep experiencing an old, out of date tutorial? I haven't messed with any of that yet, but when I do, I don't want to get bogged down with bad information! (It doesn't take much to bog me down, even with GOOD information lol)
Was working on this topic today, item may also have to be listed somewhere under "Actor" [i.e. not under Morphs].
Out of date tutorials should be removed :( hehe Thanks for your help. Setting the Path to Actor/Adjustments did the trick!
Glad the adjustment worked for you. I did also get the tutorial uploaded as the topic was coming up for some transferred morphs.
If they removed out of date tutorials, we'd be back where we started with "nothing". Everytime a program is updated, changes are made.