Hi guys. I would like to purchase a daz model, but I need to know first if there is posible to import the file to Modo and rig it to make an animation.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jimmy.
So when I buy a model from Daz, it came in OBJ, FBX or any similar format that I can import to Modo? Actually I´ll gonna take it to Mixamo, do the rigging there and later send it to Modo.
Thanks for your answer.
No need to buy. Get DAZ Studio Pro for free from the store and it has several free Starter Essential bundles for downloading. Of course this is how DAZ hopes to get you hooked so you'll buy in the future.
You can import any model as an OBJ file, and then re-rig it using any rigging tools that Modo has.
Hi Jimmy.
So when I buy a model from Daz, it came in OBJ, FBX or any similar format that I can import to Modo? Actually I´ll gonna take it to Mixamo, do the rigging there and later send it to Modo.
Thanks for your answer.
No, you will need to load up the model in Daz and export it as an obj.
Some packs do come with obj's so look in the description of what's included and if supplied it will say it.
Thanks a lot for the comments guys!
I´ll buy a cheap one to try before getting the pack that I´m interested.
Good day to you all.
No need to buy. Get DAZ Studio Pro for free from the store and it has several free Starter Essential bundles for downloading. Of course this is how DAZ hopes to get you hooked so you'll buy in the future.