Bryce + Lego = Fun

Today, August 10, is a birthday for LEGO. To be more precise, it's now 91 years since when LEGO has appeared. Why not celebrate?
I'm sure many would agree that LEGO is a nice hobby for the whole family. Just like BRYCE, right? So let's combine favorite hobbies together and build something exciting!
To do that, I encourage you to post ANY renders in BRYCE that are dedicated to LEGO in a way that you decide. I hope we will be able to keep this thread going at least until 100th Anniversary of Lego (in 2032).
So how to add LEGO in your BRYCE scenes? There are many different ways which I might suggest to you. Some examples:
- ready-made freebie 3D models to use like these: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
- use various CAD software to build and export LEGO from them: BrickLink Studio, LeoCAD, LDCad, Mecabricks etc. (might need a help of LDView or other converters).
- build everything yourself (in any 3D software, perhaps just in BRYCE).
- our friend Electro-Elvis was kind enough to provide two sets of Lego-themed object libraries for Bryce and a material library as well: [1] [2]
Now, to initiate the start of this topic, here is a helicopter render.
Looks like fun thanks Past as Future
Ah yes, was so much fun for me when I was a few years younger then now. There was a modeller for Lego, I don't remember the name (was a bit different) and I also made a render in 2007. Here is the link to
Yeah , seems likes seen something about this also **
Horo - I'm still have fun with Lego, playing with grandchildren
your render is awesome.
Lego = Fun, that's just true!
Inspired me to a little image. The bricks are modelled by myself. Rendered with TA with 64 rpp. Render time around 7 minutes. Light comes from a sphere light and from a soft distant light
Very nicely done Electro-Elvis, they look quite realistic.
Thank you Horo. Of Course the typical logo is missing, but I heard, the company occassionaly can be not very amused, when they discover it.
Horo : wonderful panoramic render.
Electro-Elvis : beautifully modeled bricks.
Thank you adbc
Horo Great brick stone picture and I can fully understand your childhood wish to be inside of a Lego building.
hey - this is cool. And beautiful Works, Past as Future, Electro Elvis and Horo.
Yellow Pen Thank you very much. BTW I sent you a message ;-)
Cool idea, Past as Future. And nice copter-render.
Nice 'oldie', Horo, on Bryce5.
Very good modelling Electro-Elvis. I wonder, did you also model the underside/inside of the blocks with the holes to put the pegs in?
Past as Future - i missed to thank you for this thread, great helicopter.
Thank you ed3D, mermaid, adbc, Electro-Elvis, and Yellow Pen.
Hansmar - thank you. By the way, when I started playing with Legos, there were no pegs at the under side. Those came later.
Electro-Elvis - superb modelling and render, nice lighting.
Thank you Hansmar. No, I must admit I was a bit lazy. Maybe I should do it?!
Thank you mermaid010
Electro Elvis... I got no message from you. Are you sure that you mean me?
Hi Yellow Pen, Yes, I am sure :-) Did you check the forum inbox here? It can be found, when you click on the cog wheel symbol in the blue forum title on top of this page.
I hope that works, recently Hubert and I did not get each others pms.
I played with the Lego Tree and Dino from SketchFab and came up with this render. Thanks Past and Future for the links to the freebies. Lighting from an Hdri from the Sky Toolbox product available at
Very nicely done, mermaid.
Thanks Horo
mermaid : lovely image, great lighting.
I copied the house from the scene I had made 16 years ago (see link above) twice and put them in a meadow. Environment and ambient light by an unpublished HDRI and additional light by the sun. Within each house is a radial light.
Electro Elvis... No. I have no Message.... I was looking at Account and then on Messages, and this was empty.
Mermaid - nicely done.
Horo - beautiful houses.... and well done too.
Thanks Adbc and Yellow Pen
Horo - beautiful setup, the lighting is awesome.
Thank you Yellow Pen and mermaid.
Ooooh, fun idea and lovely renders!!! If there's one thing that sparks nostalgia for me, it's older CG toy renders. Absolutely adore the way they look. All the work posted so far is capturing that feeling for me !
Mermaid, nice lego scene. I like that dino.
Horo, good idea to put the lego in the real world. Do my eyes fool me, or is there some room between the houses (mostly the left one) and the ground? Looks like a shadow underneath the house.
Thanks Hansmar