Why does DS load the default HDRI when it wasn't used?(solved, sorta)
Posts: 1,013
When i load a scene, invaribly the default HDRI(DTHDR-RuinsB-500.hdr) is in the Envrionment Map channel, even if it wasn't there when i saved the scene.
Doesn't happen if I replace it.
Is there something i need to change the setting of to avoid this?
SOLUTION:Move/delete the HDRI out of the Resource directory. C:\Progarm Files\DAZ 3D\shaders\iray\resources.
You can setup an empty scene file to load on startup or new by selecting it under Edit>Preferences>Startup and Scene(tab), if you want to keep using it, but you'll need to move it instead of just deleting it.
Be sure to remove it when updating DS or installing a new version.
Post edited by DrunkMonkeyProductions on
Welp, found the stupidly simple solution, delete/move the file out of the resource directory(c:\Progarm Files\DAZ 3D\shaders\iray\resources)
If you want to keep using it, setup a default/new scene file to load when Ds starts or when you select 'New'.
This is under Edit>Preferences>Startup and Scene(tab) respectively.
Doesn't even produce a log error.
I have no idea why such an issue could not be fixed... In early stage, I just put a "Render Settings preset button" on the toolbar to remove the "RuinsB" before rendering... Nowadays, I just try to avoid not using HDRI map in the scene if I need the mode of Dome and Scene...