Creating Facial Poses-Still have problems. Back again for more problems.

wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 761
edited November 2023 in Daz Studio Discussion

Okay, I've got creating poses down. They are for the complete body. But, I have no idea on how to create just a face pose. Too many times I choose one expression from one of the expression files I purchased but when I do a body pose I lose the expression. I know there is a way, but I just can't find info on it. I also would like to do upper facial poses and lower facial poses so I can mix and match. I would also like to do the same with the body.

I do have the :Pose Mixer where I can lock or unlock certain body parts, but that always doesn't work right. I often have body parts merge instead.

Any ideas?

Post edited by wildbillnash on


  • You need to use the options dialogue when saving to make sure you include only the properties you wish - there are commands in the options menu, the button about half-way down on the right, to help with that.

  • Thanks for getting back, Richard. But, what Option menu? I don't see one.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,697

    When you have opened the pose preset window, you have the properties where you can drill down and mark what to save.

    To the right there are a menu that can help with marking specifics.

  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 761
    edited August 2023

    Sorry, I don't follow. I found the "Pose Preset" when I clicked on "Save as...". When I click on the Pose Preset I get the Filtered Save box. Here are the images of the two. I'm trying to save the sad face without changing the body's pose, as an example.

    Okay, Daz is refusing to attach the picture files. I hope my explanation works for you.

    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134
    edited August 2023

    Normally if you just wanna save a Pose Preset with Expressions only, you just need to check (Green) and uncheck (Red) the nodes as below.

    As for upper / lower facial expressions, just check Upper Face (Upper Face Rig, Brows, Eyes, Ears, Nose...) and Lower Face(Mouth, Teeth, Cheeks and Jaw...) related nodes accordingly.


    1053 x 1167 - 516K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Crosswind, I can see what you mean but you forgot to mention 'how' to get to that screen. What is the first thing (and any other things) I need to click on to get that screen.

  • wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, I can see what you mean but you forgot to mention 'how' to get to that screen. What is the first thing (and any other things) I need to click on to get that screen.


    That's the pose preset dialogue box that you did mention having seen when saving a pose preset. Look for those teenie arrows and click on them to get the drop down options. Options also happen with right-clicking on the lines.


  • wildbillnashwildbillnash Posts: 761
    edited August 2023

    Catherine and Crosswind, I finally was able to upload the two images I mentioned earlier. As you can see, I'm clicking on the wrong item because I am not getting the screen you both mentioned.

    (Ignore Screenshot (47). I clicked onto the wrong image and now I can't delete it from the post.)

    Screenshot (48).png
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    Screenshot (49).png
    1920 x 1080 - 515K
    Post edited by wildbillnash on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409
    edited August 2023

    wildbillnash said:

    Catherine and Crosswind, I finally was able to upload the two images I mentioned earlier. As you can see, I'm clicking on the wrong item because I am not getting the screen you both mentioned.

     Okay. You select the main figure, click the save as pose preset. Then that dialogue box will appear [after you have selected the folder it is to be saved in].  UNcheck the figure. Right-click and check 'all modified' ... then carefully fold out the tree and uncheck anything that has nothing to do with the facial expressions.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • To remove an attached image is 'fun' ... as you hover over the attachment you may see "delete" ... click that. Then you will see a picture of funky text. Just close the page or browser. When you come back it should be gone.

  • YIPPEEEEE!!!! GOT IT! Thanks for the help. I wasn't going far enough to get to that box. Thanks to all three of you for your help. Have a great week. I've got expressions to do now. Thanks again.

  • Wonderful!!!! You're most welcome - have lots of fun :-)

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    wildbillnash said:

    Crosswind, I can see what you mean but you forgot to mention 'how' to get to that screen. What is the first thing (and any other things) I need to click on to get that screen.

    My bad ! Nice to hear that you got it work ~~ yes Thanks for Catherine's help!

  • Okay, I'm close but still no cigar. No matter what I do to only pose the upper face rig, the mouth will keep changing. What I did I used an existing facial pose for fear for the experiment. What I only want to save is the pose for the eyes/upper face rig area. I want to mouth to stay neutral. But whenever I save the settings for the eyes and try the pose, the mouth frowns as well. What am I doing wrong? Below is the image of my settings for the last try.

    On as side note, why do I seem to always have trouble uploading an image file into Daz in the mornings? I've been waiting for a couple of minutes now and it says it's uploading. What gives?

  • Okay, since Daz refuses to upload the image, here's the text version of what's checked.

    First Section: Head>Upper Face Rig, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, and Pose Controls>Head>Brow, Eyes, and Nose.

    The next section: Pose Controls>Head>Brow, Expressions, Eyes, and Nose.

    So, did I miss something?

  • Lower Face Rig is a child of Lower Jaw, which is a child of the head.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    If you use a "single expression dial" from a product, that'll be a special case... because mouth relevant poses will be always triggered by that "single expression dial" even if you only checked the nodes relating to "Upper Face", but if you uncheck "Expressions" node, no expressions will be saved... So in this case, you have to do an ERC Bake beforehand ...

    I may post SS later on.

  • Richard, I was working on the Upper Face Rig area, not the Lower Face Rig.

    Crosswind, I was wondering it using an expression dial might have been the cause. I was trying to use a shortcut to speed things up. I'll play around creating my own Upper Face expressions. I have already done a lower one and it worked fine. BTW, what is an ERC Bake? Some kind of bake sale?:-)

  • Okay, that seems to have been the problem, using the sliders for poses. I made my own poses and I can now separate upper and lower face rigs. Thanks again for the help.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    Yea, if you manually dial thos pose control morphs, there'll be no problem. Only when using a single dial of expression, you have to ERC Bake, i.e. Bake those pose control morphs with static values. In Edit mode, RMB menu - ERC Bake...

  • Crosswind, thanks for the info. I've made a couple of faces now, as well as a couple of full face pose. My only problem is getting the same results on the eye that the expression slides can give. For instance, I copied the settings for a 'fear' expression for the eye, nose, brow, and ears into a custom pose. But I can't get the same results. The brow doesn't go high enough like in the expression slides. I tried to check other settings to see if I need them but the only thing left was the mouth, jaw, and cheeks. So, I just can't get the correct affect. Instead of a fearful face pose I get a concern face pose. Go figure.

    I'll try later to show you pics of my result compare to what I want. It just depends if Daz will allow me to upload the files. If it doesn't, then I might make it into a YouTube video and share the link.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    Technically you can get the correct result as long as you've done the right selection... or you may name that expression dial, we can help to check.

  • As soon as Daz will let me upload images I will show you the differences. For now, I am using the 101 Expressions>Fear and using the G 101 EL Fear Max Terror slider.

  • After a few attemps with little success, I gave it a rest. Now, I'm back to try to tackle this problem.

    First, I can get as far as I can to the Pose Preset Save Options screen. I'm working on seperate upper and lower faces. I seem to be able to create the files I need by using the sliders for facial posing. But, the preset emotion sliders or poses are the challenges. I can't seperate the sections. After checking what I need for an upper face pose and testing it, the lower face pose changes as well.

    I played around looking for the ERC Bake. At first is was challenging, when I right click I can check Edit Mode, but the ERC Bake was nowhere to find. Then quite by accident the screen popped up with it when I right clicked at a certain place. But I don't get the same image like Crosswinds shows in his/hers above image. I clicked it, then try doing the pose again but no luck. Both upper and lower sections changes.

    Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to achieve my goals?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    wildbillnash said:

    After a few attemps with little success, I gave it a rest. Now, I'm back to try to tackle this problem.

    First, I can get as far as I can to the Pose Preset Save Options screen. I'm working on seperate upper and lower faces. I seem to be able to create the files I need by using the sliders for facial posing. But, the preset emotion sliders or poses are the challenges. I can't seperate the sections. After checking what I need for an upper face pose and testing it, the lower face pose changes as well.

    I played around looking for the ERC Bake. At first is was challenging, when I right click I can check Edit Mode, but the ERC Bake was nowhere to find. Then quite by accident the screen popped up with it when I right clicked at a certain place. But I don't get the same image like Crosswinds shows in his/hers above image. I clicked it, then try doing the pose again but no luck. Both upper and lower sections changes.

    Can someone give me step by step instructions on how to achieve my goals?

    Okay ~~ I just recorded a video of the process, pls check it in here -

  • Thank you, crosswind. I just watched the video and saved it to my desktop. I'm going to try it out later. I also loved your background music. Being a retired DJ I really enjoyed good,upbeat music.

    Take care and have a fun weekend. Keep boogying.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134

    wildbillnash said:

    Thank you, crosswind. I just watched the video and saved it to my desktop. I'm going to try it out later. I also loved your background music. Being a retired DJ I really enjoyed good,upbeat music.

    Take care and have a fun weekend. Keep boogying.


    You're welcome ! Take your time and have a great weekend! smiley

  • You too. Thanks again.


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