DAZ light shader issue
since the instruction file written by official is still version 4.6...I have no idea and I'm totally an idot about IRAY , if anyone who can teach me how to make ceiling of the room to produce "light" by the function "light shader"?
Not using lights function , I'm playing with a totally closed room , no window ,door is closed , thank you for every answer
Here are threads that introduce Iray http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/56788/iray-start-here#latest
if you scroll down in this thread, i have tried some indoor lighting explanations http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/59766/lights-gloss-and-shine-on-skin-iray
thank you!! I will read through the second thread ! because there are more pictures :)
come back to thank you again!
I've made the effect I want! the light tube surface can bright any color light now!
The "!Iray uber base" is so useful, by the way , what's "uber" mean ? When I load it to the surface I select , it provide me so many options on panel!
Uber is the german word for "over", but based on the way a lot of english speaking people use it I can't help but wonder if they think it is german for "ultra".
When I here the word Uber i think of ultra first. and my parents were from Germany lol so i grew up bi lingual if that helps any
thanks! it's germany..that's why I found it in dict and get so confused,haha