Workspace Window headaches..
DS4.8 pro 64 bit FYI
Using 3Delight as the render engine (experimenting with IRay, but that makes the following problems even worse!)
I have a problem with the workspace window that is giving me virtual headaches..
The colors, textures and lighting intensity/shadowing looks great in the workspace, but when I render the image it is completely wrong! Depending on my light set up - Colors Hyper saturate/de-saturate, shadows too light or to dark, textures become ultra sharp creating edge artifacts etc. I have tried using the spot render tool, and attempted to set up "test" renders that take only a minute or so.... and no joy.
It seems that getting lighting, shadowing, and all that go into creating something is just a big guessing game.
How can I get a true "What you see is what you get" workspace? Is that even possible? If not, what workarounds do you suggest so I don;t waste hours on a project and have to start over, hoping I guess right the second time.
Can you post some example images?
A screenshot of the viewport and render settings and a rendered image?
What problem are you having with the Spot render tool, it should give the best idea of all. You can also turn up the Shading Rate to something like 6 or 8 or even higher for a much shorter render time, and it would give a good idea of what to expect. The Viewport uses OpneGL, and that is it I'm afraid, no way to make that better. Make sure that the lights are visible in the Viewport by using Window > Preview lights (Ctrl+L) to see their effect. You will not see the effect of Shders or Shader Lights in OpenGL.
What you can do with Iray, is use the Aux Viewport, which you can make quite small to render in real time, Window > Panes (Tabs) > Aux Viewport.
@JimmyC - Thanks for the tips. I now have the lights working correctly ... auto on/off setting so the lights switch from the "camera light" to my lights. Actually they used to work fine, then went crazy one day. I thought I fixed that but apparently I had not fixed it correctly.
I found the Aux Viewport but could not get it to work at first, but after I reset DS to defaults and used one of the preset layouts (city streets I think) it is working correctly and works for both 3Delight and IRay. The reset of DS also fixed the "too dark to see the character" problem I had with some environments and character combos, as well as fixing the light issue above.
My problems were likely caused by my experiments with various persistent settings, and other self-inflicted errors.
As for the spot render tool - I have not tried your shading rate tip yet. However my main "problem" with the tool is the small area (adjustable I know) and most of the time I am wanting an over-all evaluation of shadows, color, etc. in the full render. I find it useful for small areas of concern on transitional zones however, just slow.
Thanks for your help.
For an overall assessment in 3Delight turn on Progressive rendering - that will render the whole sceen coarsely, then go back and fill in every other row, then go back and fill in between the old and the new rows and so on.
I wondered what that was for thanks!
Progressive can also be faster for complex scenes (those with a lot of caluclations from the lights or shaders).