Jepe's M4 Hairy not rendering
I'm having some trouble rendering the hairy parts of this product
I understand that there is a technique that allows me to create a M4 geometry shell and load the hairy parts on the geometry shell, and turning everything of that shell opacity to 0% so it only shows the hair. Then, it looks ok with the original M4.
On my viewpoint everything looks fine. But when I render the hair disapears. I checked on display and Show on Render is on.
Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Thank you
What program (version) and which renderer?
Yeah. Sorry about that. Should know better..
DAZ3D, last version
Yes, it's a 3DL set...
The only thing I can think of is something in the Surfaces for the hair isn't right...can you post the settings for the hair?
Sure. Here are the settings for the facial hair (I used the same technique for the body hair so solving the first should solve the second). The settings are 1 and 2.
I also have the same issue with Shaved Hair for M4
I put the settings for the shaved hair in 3 and 4.
For the Jepe's hair, try upping the displacement strength to something a lot more than 8%...make it 100%.
Also what is the offset value for the geoshell?
For the Shaved hair, you seem to be missing the displacement map.
The geoshell is at offest distance 0.10 cm, horizontal and vertical offset at 0.
Tried to scalle displacement strentgh to 100% in hair and some hair appeared, but very midly.
For the Shaved Hair I added a displacement map and put it at 100% and that didn't worked.
On the Jepe's if you have a bit show up with Disp. Strength up to 100%, increase the positive amount...
I checked out the Shaved hair and the positive displacement (max) value I have for the preset is 1.0, but the strength value I have is 175%.
Tried displacement strength at 200% but no. Well, thanks anyway.. :)