"V3D Autopose for Genesis 9 Bundle" (Commercial)

Find it here : https://www.daz3d.com/v3d-autopose-for-genesis-9-bundle
To be safer, please install with DIM or manually!
Motivated by users requests, here is my last baby : Autopose for Genesis 9 Bundle comes with 3 products, all compatible with your Genesis 9 figures :
1. Face to Face autopose Arms (for Genesis 9) allows you to automatically pose your arms so that the selected faces of the hand reaches a target. This target can be automatically created on the faces of another object, or loaded as a prop and placed where you want. It is very flexible since, if you don’t like the pose you have, you can simply correct what you don’t like (elbow too high, shoulder too bent), and relaunch : a new pose is calculated, trying to be as close as possible to what you proposed. Many tools are included such as the possibility to choose more precisely which bones are posed, to process a timeline, and even to pose the arm so that a child of the hand (a gun, a sword) reaches the target. It works the same way as its already existing version for Genesis 8 and 8.1.
2. Face to Face autopose Legs (for Genesis 9) allows you to automatically pose the legs so that he selected faces of the foot, or of the shoes, reaches a target in the scene. The same way this target can be automatically created on the faces of another object, or loaded as a prop and placed where you want. In order to avoid the fastidious step of selecting faces “under the foot or the shoe” you can simply work with no selected faces (simply select a bone of the right or left leg) and in this case the toes origin will be used as the element to be autoposed to the target, and you can associate this pose procedure to an offset which is very easy to set up and change. Some additional tools are included inside the scripts and allow you for instance to use only the altitude of a target and/or to maintain the foot orientation. These shortcuts are visible in your content browser on the tip of each tool so that you don’t have to remember them. Additional tools allowing to automatically apply the figure a vertical translation or to store and restore some key elements of the foot orientation are also included, also with options. All scripts work at any frame you want in a timeline.
3. Last product is “hands controls” and is not an autopose but, for hand posing or pose adjustments, makes the process both faster and easier, by using hand cameras, providing all the dials in a single interface, both for all bones (including metacarpals) and the pose controls, and including hand baking and zeroing buttons (globally or for each finger).
The autopose arms and autopose legs are very well documented, but super easy to use. Both work on the principle of : place a target where you want in your scene, select (a) face(s) on your hand or foot/shoe (this is not obligatory for legs) and launch the script to autopose. All the rest of the documentation are details for the advanced options of the other additional scripts or options.
Since I read is a bit complicated to post images on the forum, I won’t post a lot of images (if I manage to post some) but you can refer to the following videos (for the arms it corresponds to the Genesis 8 version, but the Genesis 9 version works exactly the same way).
Basic Educational video For autpose arms (video for G8, but G9 works the same way) :
detailed video for autpose arms (video for G8, but G9 works the same way) :
Educational video For autopose legs (G9):
This thread is here for any feedback, remarks or questions you might have. You can also contact me via MP if you prefer. I generally answer from 8:00 to 23:00 (Paris time) and sometimes later (when I can’t sleep at night).
Trying to upload images but it still does not seem possible so I updloaded them elsewhere, I hope it is going to work.

Wait, what?
Last?! Surely you mean latest, and not your last product ever.
I like the promos, and can't see any mention of a War & Peace size PDF guide
. I'll be watching the store for when it gets released!
Ooops did I confuse once again between "last" and "latest" (it's the exact same word in French)?... OK you're right I should have said latest.
For the pdf, there are two docs, one for the arms, one for the legs. For the legs I made as short as possible, and for the arms it is a bit longer, but for the basic usage of the autopose you just have to look the few first minutes of the videos, or read the basic parts of the documentations. All the rest of the documentations is for people who want to go further (animations, convergence settings, special options, etc); But the documentation for the general usage could simply be : https://i.ibb.co/1Ljjn44/V3-Digitimes-Autopose-For-Genesis-9-Bundle-Popup-02.jpg for the arms and https://i.ibb.co/ydMH5S7/V3-Digitimes-Autopose-For-Genesis-9-Bundle-Popup-13.jpg. Anyway my advice in the documentation is to come here or contact me for any question, so no worry for people who don't like pdf docs (plus they have the video with time codes if they want). For the hand product, there is a small popup script included in the product with a few features and a 'all you have to know' text, which is not much XD.
I'll update this thread a few hours max after the bundle is released :)
Ooooooh I'm so happy to see this!
And it is released today : https://www.daz3d.com/v3d-autopose-for-genesis-9-bundle
As usually, any question, feedback, issue, contact me directly via MP or use this thread! I'll come very often to check (since the notification system seems down too!)
PS : To be safer, please install with DIM or manually
Ok let me tell you the truth. I'm sick and I'm on a pretty heavy medication since monday morning resulting in me not having clear ideas and accurate mind (where is my brain? Did anybody see my brain?). I thought, but I'm not sure (I even think it will not not the case) that you might have a missing file when you create the target, but checking the date of the files it the package, everything seems ok.
From what I just checked, everything is fine. I leave the zips here just for more safety, but you should not need them.
This is an instant buy! This was one of the main things stopping me from using G9 over G8. Posing without this type of product is soooo tedious. Thank you for this, and for the foot posing script.
Saw this yesterday and thought "I must have this NOW!"
Checked today and it's released!
Instabuy. Me happy bunny :)
Maybe you left your brain in a Patisserie?
Glad to see it is in the store, I'll be getting it real soon
Thanks a lot! Now you can play more easily with G9! The leg tool was super long to develop, I tested several methods, all had advantages and drawbacks. It was really hard to decide!
Thanks! This way you did not wait too long :)
Gosh! I hope it was not in a patisserie, otherwise it's already in my belly! XD. I hope you'll like the autopose!
I guess this is easy to use but I have to say reading the description and seeing the multiutude of how to images here makes it seem really complicated.
@daveso : It IS easy to use. A lot of people already used the Genesis 8 version for arms, and nobody ever complained (on the contrary many people asked me for the Genesis 9 version). It is a two steps process:
- 1. Place a target (manually or automatically on given faces)
- 2. select the hand or foot (or shoe) faces you want to reach the target, and launch the script.
What makes it SEEM complicated is that you have TONS of additional options and features to cover a maximum of additional possibilities for advanced users. (depending on the product but including : animations, autopose for child prop, auto posing hands/fingers, maintain some orientations, use only the altitude of the target, pose while you converge, etc etc...). But the standard usage is SUPER easy. It's just the two steps you saw : "place your target, select the faces which must reach the target and launch the autopose". It could not be more simple.
thanks for the explanation. From what you say, it would then be possible to get a figure, G9, to easily align to an object, like standing on a rock, car roof, or whatever? on an uneven surface.
Yes, let's take a rock for instance. It depends if you only want to automatically translate your figure without changing its pose (see 1.), or if you want to manually move your figure "somewhere above the rock" and adjust the legs pose so that each foot you want is on the exact part you want of the rock (see 2.). The second option gives more flexibility on the final pose you want and better interaction of the feet with the rock, but requires more steps (you must process feet one by one).
1. If you don't want to change your initial pose, and rather auto-translate your figure to place an exact face of this figure on an exact face of an uneven surface (without pose modification), then you should use "Face To Face and Virtual Origin", which is more appropriate for that.
2. If you want to Pose your legs so that both feet touch specific faces of a rock, what you have to do yourself it that you have to roughy move your figure somewhere above the "rock". The autopose won't translate the whole figure and will pose only on legs and/or arms (one leg version script can make the vertical translation for you, but not the X,Z one).
Once you're roughly "above" the rock, go for the two steps : you (a) select a face on the rock where you want the left foot to go and launch create a target, (b) you select a face on the foot or on the sole of the shoe, and launch the autopose script. The rock face will be reached if it can be reached (if it is further than the leg length for instance the leg would just "stretch" in its direction).
If you did not placed initially your figure correctly (too far), your leg is to short to reach the rock for instance, just move the figure closer, and simply relaunch the autopose script (I could tell you that you can move the figure "while" the autopose is running but I'm gonna keep things simple here). Once your leg is posed, if there is something you don't like, for instance a thigh twist, or the angle of the foot with the rock, simply correct manually what you don't like and relaunch the script (holding shift if you want, this time, to keep the foot orientation during the autopose step), you'll reach a new pose which will try to respect your previous legs pose choices.
Finally do the same for the second leg (with a second target somewhere else on the roch) : (a) select new destination faces of the rock and launch create a target, (b) select mobile faces on the foot of the other leg and launch autpose leg. (and if you don't like something, fix it and relaunch).
Lol, it is longer to explain than to do it. Did my answer made things more clear?
yes, more clear for sure. Its always a pain to get someone standing on an uneven surface, higher than ground level, etc. This for sure will help.
@daveso : I'm glad I could help. Yes I know, it is not simple. All you need is to be able to select a face on the prop on which - and where - you want to place your figure, so that you can create your target.
LOL, first saw it in the store, and BAM, right into the cart it went! :^)
I am a big fan of the G8 arm auto pose (and of some other great tools like the ultimate pose master) and this version for the legs seems really great. Also the hand control tools should be a great improvement over UPM.
Only problem, I am still using G8 and will probably continue for a couple of years till my series of VN is finished and I can switch to new characters.
So I have two questions: 1/ will there be a G8 version of these tools? and 2/ if not, can we use these tools on G8 (for instance by changing the scene id) or is there some deep incompatibility between these families?
@takezo_3001 : lol! thanks a lot for this very funny comment. I especially loved the "BAM". I hope nobody got hurt!
@Togire : I'm really happy to read that my pose tools help you in your workflow and I thank you for sharing this information with me. I did not plan a version for G8 of the leg and hand tools. It's hard for me to see how many people stayed on G8 and to how many people it would be useful. If I have a lot of requests I could consider a G8 version - I would suffer with the G8 thigh twist -, but so far you are the only one. (edit : no I remember someone else.. You must be the second one).
I'm sorry to inform you that none of the two producs work on G8 even if you renamed it G9.
The legs autopose cannot work on G8 because the legs bones changed (names and behavior of these bones, with for instance a "real" splitted thigh twist on G8 which is really a posing bone - working not the same way as G9 where the additional twists are more decorative bones - no offense). There are other reasons for which it cannot work but I won't detail them here.
For the hands, there is -at least - a problem of bone labels on the metacarpals. I think I remember I used the Labels instead of the names. So maybe - really maybe - if you manage to relabel the metacarpals as for Genesis 9 and manage to have the figure name (not label, but name) to be the one of Genesis 9, then it might work. But this is a big maybe. For this last product I could consider a G8 version if it's just a relabelling a few bones on my side, but I'm not sure Daz would accept such an "out of time" product.
You could always use one of the (currently) 2 G8 to G9 converters in the store.
Well done - another instant buy. And please get well soon!
Here are my first simple attempts to learn and use the new products:
One finger on the lower lip, another finger on the navel. The rest of the fingers were posed with the V3D hands product in the bundle. It took me several iterations to figure out how to start the arms position to get them to not pass through the body, etc. It wasn't too hard. Maybe I should read the documentation.
I just jumped in, based on previous experience with face to face and the notes V3D gave to daveso above.
Ouch! That was a stupid thing to do. Never poke a cactus.
@Phatmarino : Thanks! I hope you'll have fun with it, and as usually, any question you can come here!
@Praxis : Thanks a lot for your comment, that's very nice ! I hope I'll be better soon too.
@barbult : thanks a lot for sharing! Your first image REALLY funny because index on/in navel, nose, lips and ears holes were the exact examples I showed to my daughter yesterday evening (she wanted to understand what I created). And I showed her that the "handy and cool" side of the autopose which was that, if you don't like the pose because, for instance, the arm goes through the body or the angle of the hand with the arm is not the one you want, you just have to drag the hand further in front of the figure, bend the hand it a bit, and immediately (without any additional step) relaunch in order to compute the new pose taking account what modified. Even more funny, I showed to her using the "pose while" converging way to do so (simply change to convergence settings to a huge amount of iterations with a very small distance, launch autopose and hold on "esc" when you are over if necessary). So that's funny you took these examples, I guess they are the most intuitive ones to create a target when you have only your figure in the scene. It is normal when arm is close to the body to do several "pose change" steps to make sure you don't go through your figure (because if you start from zero pose of the arm, the body is on the path of your arm to go to the noose).
In general I do these steps to pose my figure anyway, even when I "like" the pose I end up with. Very often, I like the pose and wonder "and if the elbow was higher, and the forearm was more twisted, would it be better?" I make these changes, reclick the autopose, and if I prefer the new pose I keep, if I don't I undo.
The cactus example is ....less common...Well, now figures are injured because of the autopose? That's so sad, I hope I won't have the whole Genesis 9 pool hating me because of that! Well done!
@everybody : One thing that I noticed yesterday evening when I showed my daughter the legs autopose tools is that the default convergence settings are sometimes a bit "not enough" if you want to reach very stretched legs - the convergence may stop before you reach your result. If you have such an issue, you can relaunch the autopose after a first convergence, but my real recommendation is that you can go in the convergence settings(*), decrease the delay (to 1-5), and increase the max number of iterations (to 100). This should be far enough to handle very stretched legs. If necessary (if the leg is posed properly before the convergence is over) you simply hold down the esc key to force the end of the computation. If I make an update one day, I may increase the default max iterations for legs. (*) doing this only once is enough, then it is remembered by your computer.
Here is another one where Thimor Dwarf is hanging from a tree in the steamy jungle. I used the autopose to place his hands on the tree branch. I also put one foot on the tree trunk, but it isn't really visible here. I posed the fingers and thumbs with the hands tool from the bundle.
I hope it's the right place, but they were some error messages about Genesis 3, 8 and 8.1 when I'm tried using some tools yesterday. Outside of the text, the errors seems perfectly normal because I didn't really understand how to use those tools (I have since then watched your video about the previous version, hopefully I'll get it now
"V3DF2FG9 04 Pose Arms To Target BASIC" error messages are about Genesis 9 (which seems to be the intended result). "V3DF2FG9 05 Pose Arms To Target COMPLETE DOWN" error messages are about Genesis 3, 8 and 8.1 and one of the "V3DF2FG9 06 Pose Arms To Target COMPLETE UP" error message is about Genesis 3, 8 and 8.1 while the other is about Genesis 9.
You're right. I grabbed the text of the error messages from the product from the previous generation (I don't like to write error messages in my scripts, I'm never inspired), and I thought I had changed them. Since I don't make errors anymore (and obviously my tester neither) this was not remarked. I'll update the product with the right generation name in the error messages in a short delay. In the meantime, if you read 3, 8 or 8.1, consider that it is 9! Sorry about that and thanks for letting me know.
In your present case, here is your issue : you must tell the autopose script which face of the hand of the figure must reach the target (it can be a face of the palm, of side or the top of the hand, of a finger, or a finger tip, but it is limited to finger tips only if you use the "COMPLETE" version of the scripts).
Here is how to dot this (2 minutes to write, 10 seconds to do) : In order to select this face, you select your genesis 9 figure, you double click on the "02 activate face selection" script, which will launch the faces selection. With your mouse you select for instance a face on the tip of a finger. Then you can launch the script to autopose. You have details in the paper doc (how to select a face) and you can see this in the videos, but contact me if you have an issue. If you are a total beginner with the product I would suggest you start with the BASIC version of the autopose, and once you are a bit more used to it, go for the complete if you want to (and choose your posed bones via the configuration script). Then when you go for complete versions (the ones able to pose your hand/finger too), the best is to go for a pose while converging process, that I can explain to you when you are used to the Basic version.
edit : and feel free to let me know if you have an issue with any of the steps, I'm here to help. You'll see, as soon as you catch the (1) select hand face, (2) launch autopose two steps procedure, you'll understand how easy it is. Plus Daz Studio remembers your selected faces until you close your scene or the software, or you select other faces on the hand, so, select once, and be cool :)
Thank you for your answer and the clear explanations
Combined with the video on your Youtube channel, I was able to use the basic (I'm indeed a total beginner with your product and I'm not far from total beginner with Daz too…) auto-pose function without jungling between body parts to find the ones I needed to bend or twist to obtain the pose I'm looking for (who knew the human body was as complicated as that when it's not your own and when you have to think long and hard to know what part of a body is responsible for the movements of another
) and the result, to my eyes, looked better that what I was able to acheive on my own 
Hi Elor! Thanks a lot for the feedback! It's good to know that you are happy and that even being a total beginner on this product, you had a result you liked! Autopose is clearly made to avoid the long and fastidious bone selection/rotation modification, new bone selection/rotations modification and again and again and again.... and on the contrary it's made to let you say : I want this hand face to go here (on this target), and that the pose proposed takes into account any pose changes I would make before I relaunch it. So I'm really glad this helps you. Don't go to fast on the complete versions, experiment with basic version first, then if you want with "pose while converging" (configuration script) associated with basic version. When you're comfortable with that, go on with complete versions, child version, animation, whatever you want!