Low Lighting

I've been using Daz for a while now. I'm good enough to pose, create characters, even done a few comics for comercial release. But there are still whole areas I barely understnad, and a big one is lighitng.

I've taken to using a lot of pre-made light sets, most of which work okay. But I've run into a constent problem: The lighting always comes out WAY darker than I want it to in my renders. In almost every picture I have to use photoshop to lighten each picture up signifigently. Even when I am using a pre-done light set it always comes out way darker than the example picture. Could there be something in my settings that is causing this?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yes...post a screenshot of your render settings.

  • mjc1016 said:

    Yes...post a screenshot of your render settings.

    Which settings specificly? Just the General like I have attached?

    render settings.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    All...or Gain and Gamma...

  • Ah, never noticed you could click on all, thanks! Here we go....

    render settings all.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 740K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Turn Gamma ON, set it to 2.2...

    Pixel Samples don't need to be that high for 'normal' rendering.

  • What do Pixel Samples do, and what do you mean by "normal" rendering?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Here's the blurb from the 3Delight docs...

    Pixel Samples

    Specifies in how many sub-samples each pixel will be subdivided. A draft quality setting for this parameter is 4x4 and a high quality setting could be 8x8. Higher values might be needed when rendering large motion blur or depth of field.

    A normal render...no depth of field or motion blur.  It doesn't really do much, at higher settings than eat time.  

  • Awesome! That seems to have things rendering at just about the light I expect on lights I've used in the past. Thank you guys SOOOOO much.

    Now onto a related issue. I recently downlaoded a new light set (fond here: http://www.daz3d.com/daz-dimension-lights-1 ). I'm attaching a few pictures of renders I've just taken with a few of these new lights. They are all dark, kind of grainy, and don't seem to have shadows as well defined as in the little example picture attached to the file. Any idea what I'm doing wrong to get these results? I'm simply dropping them into the scene (one at a time, not all at once).

    test 02 new lights 5.jpg
    1100 x 733 - 671K
    test 02 new lights 6.jpg
    1100 x 733 - 644K
    test 02 new lights 7.jpg
    1100 x 733 - 665K
  • I had antoher thought: do Skydomes mess with lighting/shadows?

  • I had antoher thought: do Skydomes mess with lighting/shadows?

    If you are using Distant Lights yes, check that the SkyDome is not set to Cast Shadows

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