[Released] Oso Cat for Genesis 9

Meow MEOW!
It's here! https://www.daz3d.com/oso-cat-for-genesis-9
Featuring dForce Hair (strand based, Iray Curves) that render even better than before, the ability to push fur fidelity to realistic levels (Quality 16-32, though I'd recommend keeping it as low as possible for render speed).
Also includes a variety of clothing fits to trim fur in various spots to help fit under clothing.
Tail is a posable prop.
Also check out FenixPhoenix' companion product:
Loads of amazing textures and options!
Post edited by Oso3D on
do you have a commercial thread for https://www.daz3d.com/oso-rabbitfolk-for-genesis-9
I have no issues hiding fur by bodypart under clothing with this cat or your G8M cat and other critters but with the rabbit it doesn't work
I had to expand the clothing a lot instead and possibly could edit the density map to keep the fluffy tail but hide the rest
With Rabbitfolk I did a nonstandard fur setup which I believe is what makes the body part hiding not work.
What you CAN do is use the clothing fits from Oso Cat, but you have to go into the surfaces and copy to the nonstandard surface.
Each surface ALSO has a 'fine' surface for, well, more fine hairs. So Body and Body-Fine.
Clothing fits reduce hair length by mask, so when applied you'll have PS Reduce Length Amount (mask) 1 (normally 0)
It's a little fussy, but should work.
So what I was thinking then basically, density, length etc maps which have edited which I have done for nonstandard characters like Vyusur's Catoon
I saw the cat presets but didn't use them as hiding parts worked well enough for the clothing I used
I know some of your work has Interactive Licences... will this one? Your dogs get licenses... why not cats?
I would like to make bears, dogs and cats kissy kissy in Unreal!
This was a ton of fun to work with and Will included a lot of presets to customize the fur and even toggle parts off to help with clothing fits!
You don't need an interactive license to USE Daz content in Unreal; it's only if you're publishing an original game that will include 3D assets that end users could potentially get at.
but they want to make that Furry Love mobile game by the sounds of this
we are not in Farmville folks
Yeah I know, I only buy daz stuff that I could potentially make into a game. I love the idea of making something anthropomorphic someday.
Equine check
Regal Canine check
Vulpine check
Whatever Bears are (Ursidae...Ursidine?)
Tigers (given up with classification now)
Need an Oso Cat, these head shapes are very cute.
Hey Will, just wanted to say thanks for making a G9 version.
Tigers would technically be felinoids, but given there are a wide variety, it's sometimes helpful to differenciate for species. Oso's Rakshasa/Rakshasi can certainly stand in for Kzinti or some other heavy cats with similar builds (like a really, really buff Caitian
One thing I've started doing in the last few anthros is designing the characteristic features on default body, and then provide a separate body option when it's warranted.
For example, Bearman has a bulky body option, but it's only an option.
This gives people a lot of freedom to adjust the build to their vision; maybe you want a rakish thin bear guy, or a portly rolly Polly bear, or you want to use a particular hulking shape.
Sorry for hanging around unwanted, I guess I know the answer but can you put me out of my mysery? I'm not looking to do anything bad to your cat like Wendy seems to suggest. I'm strictly a PG-13 kind of fella.
Please just reply and delete where applicable below, thanks.
Dear Dorty, this product was not intended to have an Interactive License and will not (you could still buy it and use it in a non interactive manner though).
Dear Dorty, yes please buy my Cat and be assured it will come with an Interactive LIcense in future.
No interactive licenses intended or coming, sorry.
I finally got around to finishing my animation ( the series was done but I hadn't made it into a video)
I was, uhm surprised
Genesis 9 dance animation conversions apparently sometimes enjoy doing D|S's crazy Gimbal hip spins, (I honestly did not notice it pre production)
anyway sharing for a laugh
OK dumb question
I know FenixPhoenix has textures for your kitty
but would these work too?
If you copy over the maps, they should!
I'll do a test once I wander over to my computer.
Took me a while, but here!
It's a little weird in the face because of anatomical differences, but I think it works pretty well.
video with fluffy tail
(I had to simulate everything separate and hide bits from simulation but all fur actually was)
and Oh thanks, I did buy Niketa textures too, even rendered a video somewhere
Whoa. Pretty amazing!