help glowing eyes (iray)

in New Users
Hi guys,
i wat to make a szene with someone who have glowing eyes. I know the glowing effect is emissive color in iray but how can i regular the lighting? Its everytime to intensity but i want see the eye texture too. So it is possible to see the eye texture and it is glowing a bit or isnt that possible with iray?
i hope someone can halp
best regards K4YT0
The eye parts are small, so if the light is very bright you won't be able to see the eyes.Use low settings to get good results.
the "kcd/m^2" for "Luminance Units" is good for making things glow. Try setting the "luminace" at 200 to start.
ah perfect thank you thats works fine (2 sided light off and its works really nice) thx icecrmn. a question iknow its other topic. i looked in your gallary and saw u make awesome effects. How did u do the wet shader, with increasing glossy and/or geometry shell or other way? because i test it too but i dont know i dont get a nice wet effect :D
For that I use the Top Coat layer. Basically just adjust the Top Coat Roughness. A setting from 0.1 to 0.50 is "wet" and .50 to 1.0 is "dry". Skin settings can get a bit complicated, but the top coat roughness will get you the basic look.
edit: I did a render last night of my skin settings along with the glowing eyes :)
here it is
awsome yes that is how i wanted, And thank you again you are a great help :)
Hai...what part of eye iz U makez emmissive...I have tried on Cornea and no joy?
The iris or sclera depending on the effect you are after...most of the time, the iris would be what I would make the emitter.
Thankz U iz workz now :D