speech bubbles question

Wanting to add speech bubbles to my Movies.  Is this possible?  And if so whats the software or package to buy on Daz??




  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    This isn't possible in DAZ studio. There are also no plugins for DAZ Studio that can add bubbles.

    You can use a software like Sony's Movie Studio, which allows adding overlay bubbles.

    Alternatively, you can render the movie to image series, then add a speech bubble to every image by an image editor like GIMP or Photoshop, and then use a software like Movie Studio, or freeware solutions to merge the edited image series.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Renderosity has a couple of free speech bubble objects for download. You would still need to add your own text via a texture and it would be a good adia to set the parameters of the speech bubble to "point at" your camera.

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