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Thank you Horo, mermaid and adbc
"Kelp Ruins"
For this one, I tried to model things using the lattice tool for the first time! the statue pieces are all using that. The kelp and the fish are hard-surface modeled, though.
I really find kelp forests fascinating, and was like "oh i know! I'll model a bunch of kelp and put it in the scene" and didn't think of the consequences (crazy amount of memory limit crashes). Ah well. hope you all like!
nvl, wonderful image. This looks like a photograph.
AH thank you NG, i swear that was working earlier. ugh, what a pain! i've replaced it with an imgur link.
nvullcasting - great entry, very well done scene.
Nvllcasting- superb entry well done
nvllcasting : very well made scene, great modeling.
Life or Death
Wow a very unique idea NGartplay well done.
NGartplay - very cool idea and well done entry.
NGartplay : Excellent render, original idea, very well done.
Mermaid - wow, beautiful... and I love the atmosphere in the Background.
NGartplay - beautiful, both... wonderful caustic
nvllcasting - wonderful entry.
Thank you Horo, mermaid, adbc and yellowPen. Wasn't sure if it was enough caustic. I might try a light gel?
Thanks Yellow Pen
Mermaid, Lovely render.
NGArtplay, Great underwaterscene. I first thought that the seal was a platypus. And the render of the Kraken is extraordinary.
Nvllcasting, That looks very, very good. I also like the focus.
Thanks Hansmar
Thanks Hansmar. That is an Orca. Don't believe that an Orca would get itself caught by the Kraken but that's the model that I had :) :)
I should have been more precise. I meant that the dolphin in the render on the previous page looked a bit like a Platypus; not the Orca on this page. But a Kraken is such a monstrous organism, it could certainly catch an Orca, I think.
Hansmar, that's a Daz3D seal. Notice it's whiskers.
Oh dear, my marine biology lack of knowledge is showing
Hansmar, lol.
And Up-Loads seem to be Fixed + Thanx
ed3D : original idea, very well done.
Ed3D nice effect and idea, but your siggy across the objects is spoiling the effect, move it down or to one side.
ed3D - cool idea and very nice looking. The sig is a bit too obvious and pulls the focus to it, instead to your artwork.
Ed3D, wonderful idea and well-made too. I agree with the others that the signature is in the wrong place and draws too much attention.
& Thanx very much All
+ but , was goimg to use another Image But , its' a BMP file + So , just for Attachments examples
& thought of useing this as Entry but no Castics //
ed3D, I like the materials and scene setup. Nicely done.
Thanx kindly
+ also used HDRI = from Poly Haven
After being convinced by the comments in Show us your Renders, this is my third entry, uploaded anew without the siggy.
Caustic Glass Rings