Genesis to Genesis 2 Genx Conversion

talihawktalihawk Posts: 86
edited October 2015 in New Users

I can't get this product to work with the Genesis to Genesis 2 stuff and it doesn't seem to work at all in build 4.8. I've only gotten it to function in 4.7 and 4.5 . I bought both products, so I don't believe that's the issue. I can get the old figures like M4 or V4 to transfer, and I did get the Priestess to transfer but only because she showed up in transfer window after loading the base "source' genesis 1 figure. But she's the only char who has populated into the fields.


I've only found tutorials using the m4 or v4 using the Genx product, can anyone tell me what I should do? The pdf that came with the product has been entirely unhelpful because it only refers to how to use the product with the old content / poser type characters.



Post edited by talihawk on


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited October 2015

    I'm using 4.8 and it works fine for me.

    Do you have this add on?

    Transfer between the Genesis 1 and 2 characters only works with the addon. If you own it, you might want to re-install it, as sometimes files get lost during upgrades.

    (If you speak German, there's an excellent tutorial in German language here:

    It was created by MN-150374

    1173 x 768 - 85K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Hi  Lee, I do have the upgrade yes. I may try reinstalling it again. Sadly I don't speak german but I'll check  it out and see if  google translate will work.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited October 2015

    Okay... let's see if I get this translated. Like I said, the source is the tutorial

    It was created by MN-150374

    Transfering Morphs from G1 to G2

    1. Click in GenX in the tab Transfer.
    2. Click on Source and select Genesis
    3. Once Gesis is loaded to GenX2, select the desired morphs by marking them (in the example, the V4 shape morph for G1 is selected, see image above)
    4. Change the setting under Mode to Selected Morphs -> with this setting, all selected morphs will be transferred.
    5. Change the setting in Shape to Genesis
    6. change the setting in Target to Genesis 2 Female -> This setting defines the target, here G2F. But it can also be G2M.
    7. Click on Transfer

    GenX2 will now convert the selected Morphs and also a Clone Shape Genesis for Genesis 2 Female.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Heyas lee_lhs, Thanks so much for the info. I finally got it working. It still won't function in 4.8 but it works fine in 4.7 so I'm happy. :)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited October 2015

    Do you have two versions of DS installed on the same PC? If yes, that could be part of the problem.

    EDIT: Please check if GenX is properly installed in the 4.8 version, too. It's possible that the installer only installed it in the 4.7 version of DS, depending on the path. You can also try to copy the GenX folder from the Plugin folder of 4,7, and paste it to the Plugin folder of 4.8, and then see if that helps.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001
    edited October 2015
    talihawk said:

    I've only found tutorials using the m4 or v4 using the Genx product, can anyone tell me what I should do? The pdf that came with the product has been entirely unhelpful because it only refers to how to use the product with the old content / poser type characters.



    On a Windows computer the GenX2 installer places GenX2.pdf product documentation in
    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\docs\Plugins\Genesis Generation X2

    Or you can access it online here:

    EDIT: Sorry, I'm being scatter-brained.  As lee_lhs  mentioned, you need "GenX2 Add On for Genesis 2" product (  which adds Genesis 2 figure to your GenX2 plugin.  This will allow you to transfer morphs from Gen4 to Genesis 2 or between Genesis and Genesis 2.

    For further clarification, the upgrade to GenX2 maintained the original functionality of transfering Gen4 (and Gen3 with add-ons) to Genesis.  What was designed into the GenX2 plugin is the ability to add future Genesis generations into the program, the first being the Genesis 2 Add on product.


    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345


    I emphasize with your frustration.  When I followed the instructions, I received exaggerated results - such as breasts being abnormally large and waists too small, and faces that were just not right.  This is especially true if you use any third party morph as a basis for your character.  I just couldn't get it to satisfactorily transfer everything at once.  After trying several methods, I managed to find the best method for me:

    First picture is Genesis, the second is Genesis 2 Male.  Now, they aren't exactly identical, but close enough for me. 


    What I had to transfer:

    Michael 5 Heroic, face: Jaime Character with additional custom face morphs, and Leon & the Night skin.


    1. Find All Your Character's Settings.

    Load your original character.  In Shaping, find every morph and write them down with the names and values.  Yes, this is tedious as heck. 


    2. Create a Transfer of the Third Party Feature.

    • ​Load the Genesis base character, not Michael 5.  Dial up the third party feature (Jaime's head).
    • Source:  Genesis.  This loads all available morphs.
    • Mode: Create Single Morph
    • Shape: Genesis
    • Target: Genesis 2 Male
    • Select: Get Values from Figure in Scene
    • Transfer: On for all Non-Zero Values
    • Click Transfer
    • Morph Properties Box:
    • Name: [morph name]
    • Icon: Click File and find the icon for the morph.  I look this up by finding the icon of my character in Presets, or in this case, I had to find the icon for Jaime's face.  [You can find its location by highlighting the icon while in Content Library and a pop up will show you the icon name and path].
    • Click Accept.


    3.  Create a Transfer for Michael 5 Heroic.

    • Load the Base Genesis figure. 
    • Go to shaping, Actor, and dial up the Michael 5 Heroic morph.  You can choose to do the body and the face separately.
    • Follow the steps above to create the transfer.


    4. Loading the Morphs onto Genesis 2 Male.

    This is what really tripped me up before until I found what I needed to do. 

    • Load Genesis 2 Base Male.  DON'T load Michael 6, or Michael 5 Heroic will load on top of it, and that's why your results are warped. 
    • Shaping, Actor.  At the top of the morph list is a box "Enter text to filter buy...".  Type in "Androgynous".  Dial the Androgynous morph to max.  Remember that the Genesis base is androgynous, and the Michael (or Victoria) morphs make up for that.  Delete the word Androgynous from the filter or you won't be able to see your other morphs.
    • Shaping, Actor, Generation X, Genesis.  Dial up Michael 5 Heroic, and Jaime Face to 70%.  Now you have a base to work with.
    • Get your handwritten list of features.  Enter the morph dial values manually.  Not every morph is identical between Genesis and Genesis 2 and they are located in different places.  I achieved better results when I manually entered the values and could make adjustments. 
    • Add on your Genesis skin.  G2M should take it nicely. 
    Lucius, G1.jpg
    800 x 920 - 376K
    Lucius, G2.jpg
    800 x 920 - 395K
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