How to re-dock the Viewport?

My viewport became undocked in DS 4.8, Mac version. I tried sliding it back in. It doesn't hold. I tried clicking on the "make undockable" and then back again. I looked for a command something like "dock window." Can't find anything. How does one re-dock the viewport?


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    I use Windows, but on my setup, if I hover my mouse over the very top of the Viewport window, the cursor changes to something that looks like the Translate tool (diamond shaped).  Move the window using that to the top, and you should see a yellow line appear, release it then.

  • You could just reload your layout (Window>Workspace>Select Layout) if you haven't made customisations you want to keep, but check that docking isn't disabled in Window>Workspace>locl Docking/Undocking first.

  • yesThanks Jimmy, you solved the same problem for me.

    I think I lost my Viewport when I tried another Workspace Layout.

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