[SOLVED]: Pose preset sample does not save an animation

I need to save a pose preset in silent mode. The pose I need to save is animated. I tried to use this sample, but I changed the bCurrentFrame from setAnimationOptions function to false, to let the script know that I want to save an animated preset, but it keeps saving frozen pose.
setAnimationOptions( oSettings, false, 0, 30 );
Please help me to get it work.
SOLUTION: It turned out that the line I specified, for some reason, does not overwrite the filter setting, and it retains its default values, i.e. render of the current frame and the range from 0 to 30.
All you need to do is move this line down, closer to the var oError. In this case, the script will accept the data you specified, and you will be able to save the animated preset.
Post edited by nartoveugene on