Interactive Render Mode

Is there any way of activating the Interactive Render mode? The only option I see in the Render settings is Photoreal. 


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Activation of Interactive in Render Settings and Draw Settings as below:

  • CaetlynCaetlyn Posts: 85

    As I said, the only option I get in the Render Mode setting is Photoreal. My Draw Settings tab doesn't even have a Draw Mode ...

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Oh, I've never seen such an issue before... weird. Your DS version? and what is your graphics card?

    As for Draw Settings, you press Ctrl + 0 to preview, you'll see Draw Mode property....

  • CaetlynCaetlyn Posts: 85

    I'm using Daz 4.21. It may be that my computer is too old (Macbook Pro 2012) with Intel HD Graphics 4000. 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Oh,  I don't use Mac computer but that might be the reason.. And there's no independent Nvidia GPU, so you have to render with CPU...

  • CaetlynCaetlyn Posts: 85
    edited December 2023

    Sorry to do this but I'm going to have to bump this thread up. About a month ago, I bought a new iMac and installed DS 4.22 in hope that the interactive mode will show in the Render Mode setting but there is still no change. Oddly enough, if I go to the Advanced Tab, there is the option is there.

    I would really like to use the Interactive mode for my renders but not having the option to select it makes thnigs rather impossible. Please help.

    478 x 254 - 10K
    Post edited by Caetlyn on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I can't even recall that I've seen interactive mode on macOS in a very long time. Maybe when I had an nVidia GPU mac on my MacPro with macOS 10.13.6. I guess that died off with the nVidia GPU support from macOS 10.14, but I can be wrong. 


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Probably not what you want to hear but I just checked on my Mac and Photoreal is the one and only option in both places.

  • CaetlynCaetlyn Posts: 85
    edited December 2023

    Thanks, guys. Looks like I'll have to use the Viewport engine for my renders instead (quicker renders for my animations).

    Post edited by Caetlyn on
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