Genesis/Clothes Autofit Issues

     I seem to be running into more and more of these issues lately and I am hoping that there is an easy fix.    My clothes fit in Daz Studio but have poke through in Poser Pro Game Dev.    Different clothes fail to fit in different ways.    Some have poke through on the chest, others have poke through in other places.   It's all sort of come to a head in my current character.

     He is Genesis with Ibrahim.  I have dressed him in the Defiant clothing.     All of these things say they work with DSON and Poser.

     Below is the full render and a few closeups.   Notice that under the arms, at the neck, and on the boots there is poke through.   The sad thing is that every time I add a new piece of clothes the Tunic fits PERFECTLY for about 10 seconds as morphs are applied to the new import..   but then the tunic blips right back up and I can see his arms again!    Anyone have some ideas on how to fix this poke through without going through some horrific process?




400 x 600 - 305K
597 x 246 - 109K
296 x 158 - 59K
222 x 163 - 35K


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