Finding Readmes for Older Products?
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Hi y'all, I'm wondering if there's a trick or something to finding the readmes for older products - the one I'm currently after is the Rose Dress for V4, The Documentation page only ever returns a 'page not found', no matter how often I refresh. It's a bummer, all I really want to do is check the files list to see whether the actual roses from the promo are included - but I'm not getting anywhere. Is there another database one has to access? Or am I just doing it wrong somehow?Thanks for helping out!
They are included. as well as the rose decorations for the dress.
You can also try looking here, but it can be a hit and a miss.
Thank you!
yeah sadly most/lots of docs/readmes seem to no longer exist and haven't for years now
I think the SKU on that product has changed at some point.
Tried the Wayback machine and had to come up to 2015-2016 before SKU's of 25xxx came up but not that one.
The readme's are really erratic. I would like 1171, but the nearest extant one is 1172, and there are no others within 5 on either side. Very peculiar.
I wish they'd just stuff them on github or somewhere. Those who were interested could just do a git pull and keep their own copies. Or, even easier, DIM could do that for people and keep the whole set of readme's on customer local storage if they click the button to do that.
This particular item was originally at RDNA, which may explain the lack of an online readme. That's where I bought it. I can't find my old readme and apparently can't upload any images either to show you what's in it.
The two sets of rose bushes form an arbour. You can turn off visibility for the support poles if you want as well. it's actually a beautiful set, but very old and you'll have to update the shaders.
There are also mats for a red version and a pink version. It would be awesome if this was redone for modern figures.
From what i've noticed most of the products that came from RDNA don't have readmes here on the site.
You can always try the Wayback Machine for archived copies of the RDNA web pages. Some are complete, some lack the formatting, some lack the promos. YMMV, but there are almost always several versions available. Rose Dress for V4
Thanks again, everyone, very useful tips!