HDRI locations with audience

There are great HDRI locations here on DAZ, indoor as well as outdoor. But what i am in need for are HDRI locations with an audience like in a wrestling or boxing arena, rock music arena. Here at DAZ are good fight sport outfits, stages, music instruments etc. These indoor HDRI locations with audience would make it easier to create crowded locations.


  • It's 2021 now. Did you find an HDRI with audience in the meantime? I'm still searching for it.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    The problem with selling images with people is that you may need releases from everyone.


    For example if you sell a picture of a crowd at an arena at a WWE event, and someone uses that in an image showing nude mud wrestling, anyone in the crowd who's even remotely recognizable as an individual can sue the seller of the image and the user of the image for having been associated with nude mud wrestling.  That's one of the reasons why Google tries to blur faces on Streetview.

  • JovanniJovanni Posts: 87

    As far as I know. When making HDRI, several images are taken with different levels of contrast. This process takes time. And all the while, the objects must be stationary. What is impossible with crowds

  • Would be great if we made an CG HDRI, populate arena and make HDRI that way. Depeding on situation, may be enough. In my case right now, i just need it out of focus on the back :)

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