What's your proudest kit bash

myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627
edited June 2023 in The Commons

So Im getting towards the end of another kit bash, One of a number for a project.

So I got to woundering what kit bashing are other people are doing? (It has to be a kit bash, cannot be something you have made from the ground up)

So to start let me just say I have the greatest respect for any of the Vendors and there work I have chopped up.

Lets get the ball rolling. Here is my latest Frankenstien.

It started as https://www.daz3d.com/electrocar

and came out the other end as 


just to add this was all done in DS.

so come on lets see yours



Post edited by myotherworld on


  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    It feels like an enternity ago, but I was cranking out all kinds of furry characters with Animedoll.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited June 2023

    ...one of my best was for an old RRRR challenge a few years ago.

    The items used iwere:



    The lamp shades in the booths were created using the roof of the drive in.



    this is the place pw .jpg
    1400 x 1050 - 1M
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited June 2023

    I tend to do a lot of kit bashing, but I'd have to say this is my favorite for clothing (click for bigger size) - 

    And this for hair...both of them actually...she's using pieces from four different hairstyles if I remember right and he's using three no including the beard (click for larger size) - 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited June 2023

    I wouldn't say it's my best scene or render, not by a long shot, but it was surprisingly effective and recognizable render when I finished. I realized that maybe I could kitbash it effectively after I had downloaded a boatload of good freebies from modelers at shareCG.com.You certainly don't expect to do a scene like that shopping at DAZ3D.com, but the pieces fell into place.


    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    edited June 2023

    So far for me importing a non-ds, static aircraft model with it's wings folded and with no moving parts (from sketchfab) and using ds's geometry-editor to turn it into a usable plane model with movable control surfaces, folding wings, gear up/down, sliding canopies and spinning prop/propblur (+ a few extras...)


    Post edited by glaseye on
  • BandoriFanBandoriFan Posts: 364

    I guess it would be these although I didn't post them. I used different clothes from different sets and used mesh grabber to fit everything in place and fit control to add length and make the petticoats fit better. The petticoats come from Candy Magic Dream while the skirt is from the Sophia Outfit and uses shaders from a seperate pack. The setting is PX Dance Studio with bricks from Brickworx and a floor I made lots of tweaks to. The couch and sign are from the FG Live Steamer Room and on the couch I used a red shader to make the pink stand out better 


  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    It's always fun to mix and match items together into a kitbash,  it gives a bit of variety to the scene. I did once shake and bake three environment sets together into one larger scene that seemed to work well with a pirate ship and some potentially buried treasure.


  • Starships and vehicles because they always include custom shaders, abusing construction kits with geometry editor and dismantling a few pre-made models to make a single one.

  • myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627

    got to say all. really liking this. 

    seeing thing I would never have put together. but they work realy well.

    well done all

  • lou_harperlou_harper Posts: 1,163

    Not exactly a kitbash, but I made a small town street out of New York Stores and props from several other sets. (It's a work in progress. Left corner building will be a retro diner, and the right corner probably an antiques store.)

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,676

    Possibly not my very greatest, but at least recent enough I remember it. Through gratuitous abuse of Blender, I managed to contrive a centaur spacesuit out of Universe Explorer and the Dog 8 Spacesuit:

    Gallery Link

  • NewGuyNewGuy Posts: 220
    edited June 2023

    I'll share... Kind of a kitbash, but i made a few of the items myself, especially for Squirrel Girl and MM.  Mostly was using this as a way to practice my 3D Texturing.  I call it: "What if other superheroes joined the Sony Spider-verse?"  SpiderGwen was out of the box from Renderhub. The rest I pieced together myself.  

    Used a bunch of mixed morphs from PedroFurtadoArts, JoeQuick and D.Master for the characters.  Viv Vision Uniform from Smay's Superhero Suit (retextured by me), MsMarvel's mask, upper uniform and bangle made by me, Sneakers by Rarestone (now sold by Daz).  For Squirrel Girl: X-Fashion Crop Jacket (I added the cuffs and used Dimension Theory Fuzzy Shaders that those and boots), Fisty and Darc Morphing Boots, Can't remember for the bodystocking, Kiko 8.1's Tail with some self-made morphs, I made the belt, ears and earrings. Hair's are Rose Hair and Layered Spring Style by OOT, and Lynna Hair by Windfield.  Also used various shaders by MattyManx, DimensionTheory and Sloshwerks. Phew!  

    Edit: I forgot MM Scarf by Sickleyield (her capes set).

    Girly Super Heroes.jpg
    2000 x 1818 - 1M
    Post edited by NewGuy on
  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502
    edited June 2023

    For me it is probably this one. I used so many different assets across many Daz generations and surprisingly enough to me it imported well into Unreal Engine for me to play around with different lighting ideas. I almost always kitbash in some way clothes and hair but often shy away from environments. :)



    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Does dialling in your own characters count as kitbashing? I guess not. I started a thread in Art Studio to show off some of mine. Maybe others would like a thread like this one for their own character creations?

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited June 2023

    I was fairly pleased with the Red Wagon here:


    Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the wagon.I went at something lie three or four other models, with the geometry editor and got something that works -- and which will pose, which was a bit of a hassle. 

    I do a fairl aamount of tweaking with the geometry editor from time to time.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...another was this one:


    summer in the city aal.jpg
    1400 x 1050 - 1M
  • This one I did for the mythical contest was definitely one of my favorites.



    And then recently, there was this one:


    I don't think there's anything I've done that I haven't kitbashed the heck out of though, really.


    MelissaGT said:

    I tend to do a lot of kit bashing, but I'd have to say this is my favorite for clothing (click for bigger size) -

    Maaaaaajor props for the hair. Every time I try to kitbash hair it doesn't blend as well as I'd like and I get irritated. That's fantastic!

  • myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627

    JOdel said:

    I was fairly pleased with the Red Wagon here:


    Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the wagon.I went at something lie three or four other models, with the geometry editor and got something that works -- and which will pose, which was a bit of a hassle. 

    I do a fairl aamount of tweaking with the geometry editor from time to time.

    Thank you for post that, very interesting site and well worth a visit and read. 

  • myotherworldmyotherworld Posts: 627

    thanks again all.

    you given me some ideas to work with.

    Its good to see people taking Daz & poser suff and making it there own

  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    nonesuch00 said:

    I wouldn't say it's my best scene or render, not by a long shot, but it was surprisingly effective and recognizable render when I finished. I realized that maybe I could kitbash it effectively after I had downloaded a boatload of good freebies from modelers at shareCG.com.You certainly don't expect to do a scene like that shopping at DAZ3D.com, but the pieces fell into place.

    Definitely falls under "You're THIS old if you can tell what this is from!"


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    I kitbash a lot for my comic Taiduo

    so there is the krill farm I like very much:

    or level 1 which I'm very pround of

    most recent is this desert temple, still a bit of a WIP for the comic:

    for characters I really like this mermaid:

  • markusmaternmarkusmatern Posts: 561

    Great work everyone! Keep them coming!

    Here is one of mine:

    See in my gallery for the items used!

  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556

    Cool thread ! here few of my old kitbash . Mostly render in Blender  because my old laptop just work better in there  ( plus for getting multipass output ) before stacked and post in Photoshop .

    Junkyard Draft

    garage pre final



  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited June 2023

    There use to be a contest focused around kit bashing. 

    A link to the second one


    Sorry I can't seem to find the first one

    Post edited by scorpio on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Shadowdream said:


    MelissaGT said:

    I tend to do a lot of kit bashing, but I'd have to say this is my favorite for clothing (click for bigger size) -

    Maaaaaajor props for the hair. Every time I try to kitbash hair it doesn't blend as well as I'd like and I get irritated. That's fantastic!

    Thanks! Some hairs kitbash better than others. AprilYSH and Windfield hairs are quite good to play around with. This is the same hair kitbash from the front - 


    It uses pieces from Windfield, AprilYSH, and OOT. Big helpers are the geometry editor, Mesh Grabber, and Backlight hair shaders to give all the hairs the same texture. 

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Here is another kitbash...outfit as well as the environment/background/grass - 

  • After a while everyone starts kitbashing because you can get only so far with default items.

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    I mostly do only small "kitbashs", like for the Military Props Collection grenades, which come without any moving parts, which would make look an action shot of one of them getting thrown looking kinda stupid...

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited June 2023

    Well, I had an account of kitbashing a kitchen for illustrations down the road, but the site refuses to upload my images, and there's not much point if you can't show what you are talking about. They are 594k and 889k respectively, so they certainly ought to be within the size limits. Maybe some other time.

    Trying Firefox. It's not working either. Will try again with Chrome...

    Nope. Chrome won't upload an image either. Or rather, it *claims* it's uploading. But it's lying. That's what they all say.

    Post edited by JOdel on
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