DAZ3DIM recognising previously installed content
DAZ Install Manager 1.10.41
MAC OSX Yosemite 10.10.5
In the past when creating a new installation partition such as for Mavericks or Yosemite, I have used DAZ3DIM to re-download and install all my 1000+ DAZ content bits and pieces.
This time instead of re-downloading/installing all the DAZ content I copied all the folders/files (39GB) manually over to the new OSX partition.
This has worked fine and I re-imported the meta data and DAZ Studio works great.
However as to be expected (I guess) DAZ3DIM (Install manager) thinks nothing has been downloaded or installed, presumably as it keeps a seperate record somewhere, which it updates as it installs.
Just wondering if anyone knows of a fix or work around for this, as it would be useful to use DAZ3DIM for any new stuff I buy. I appreciate this is not the correct way to do things and I may yet have to re-download everything using DAZ3DIM.
Appologies if there is an existing topic for this covered somewhere, I did try and search for any existing solution.
Thanks for your help
What you need I think, is the folder ManifestFiles, which DIM uses to know what it already has intalled.
It goes into the this folder in Windows : C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager, so it should be somewhere similar on a Mac.
Ok brilliant, that's exactly the help I hoped for, thanks Jimmy, I am sure it will work the same way on both Mac and Windows.
I'll have a go and leave a further comment later :-)