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Thanks yet again, Catherine! I love it when you reccomend stuff - and I Love your Many Freebies!
I'm saying it again...
Thanks Catherine!!!
Years ago, back when I was still using Poser 5 or 6, Awful Soul, or they went by a different name AlphaseeD, made a really cool Alice character, who has evolved into the amazing character we see in their Aeon Soul promos today, and also an Onslaught Sisterhood Skins pack, which came with psd files for many customizations of either V4 or Alice. I still use them to this day - even on newer figures. Love 'em!
Here are some cuts and bruises on Rosie 8 using the wetness built into Sol's amazing surfaces and Linday's impressive Wet Style Curly dForce hair for Genesis 8F and Genesis 9
They also made the outfit (Platina Armor for V3), Boots (Y'vas for G8F) and sword (The Legend for G8F)
I pay less and less attention to which figure stuff was made to fit, thanks to clones, and just use what I want to use - period. I've been smiling more and more, the more I took on this philosophy!
In one of the 3 folders, in the Runtime > textures etc. subfolder, there is a series of 10 folders each with 4 detailer .png files, and 4 head detailers for the bump/displacement use. [48 images]
In another folder directly under "Colm Jackson" > "name of product" > 5 merchant resource .psd files. As the readme does indicate, depending upon the skin texture used, one may wish to duplicate a layer for additional strength of the details. n.b. some of the layers are starting at "0" or a low number, all the layers I checked do indeed have something on them. [I used a new layer for the background layer which would allow any and all skin details to be seen]
Working on layer copies [this note is for the noobies] one can copy/paste more details, or erase details. Esp. for redistributed skins, one would want a unique skin for their characters ;-) Although it could be noted that sometimes there are some 'family details' that do indeed exist. And when it comes to moles, also mirror between mates ;-)
If one is unhappy with their purchase and if it's been less than 30 days since purchasing, AFAIK one can still ask for a refund and remove all copies of it from their computer(s) and storage device(s). [so if one is on the fence, if the price is right no harm in trying]
With the skin shaders providing several layers for texturing purposes, I do find that there are several options available for use. I'm not a big fan of L.I.E. presets however snagging those from the temp folders and making them into the regular types of images I prefer, is not a problem.
I've got approx. 100 face morphs to make, so hopefully this set will help get them all textured nicely.
Yes, me too. It's fun sometimes just to go through the contents and pick out a little of this and a little of that, putting it all together in one scene. Some call this kit bashing.
What slows me down though is I have a habit of stopping to fix things. Adding negative dForce weightmaps helps to make some clothing that was not intended for dForce simulation, to work better with it.
Haven't bought it yet but definately will. I've been wanting just that for a while.