Does anyone have a link to a standalone Daz Studio 4.6 Pro (64-bit) installer?

I'm battling with 4.8 and want to go back to when everything worked for my projects.


Many thanks! :)


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    It would be kinda neat if Daz had a legacy page for downloading older versions.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    You'll have to open a support ticket and ask DAZ if they can provide you with a copy, no one else is authorized to distribute the installer.

  • edited September 2015

    I already have opened a support ticket, but they told me that they don't have any copies, despite me finding it online eg here:Link removed

    I've got a copy of the 4.5 Pro installer, just not the update from 4.5 to 4.6.



    Post edited by Chohole on
  • The link you posted was to warez site - if you ahve downloaded anything from that site or others like it you need to delete it at once.

    What issues are you having with 4.8?

  • edited September 2015

    Hi Richard, thanks for replying.  The issue I have is that when I export an FBX of my key-framed animation in Daz 4.8 it takes about 3 days and when I merge it in Motionbuilder, it's only 1 frame, despite the FBX being of a substantial size.

    This problem has only come up since I updated from 4.6 Pro to 4.8.  I'm after the standalone installer for 4.6 Pro so I can  get that version back again, and carry on working.


    PS: Apologies to Daz admin for posting a torrent link!  (slap wrist, sorry guys)

    Post edited by paul_carder_74313dfe2f on
  • Did you just ask for 4.6, or did you explain the issue you were having with FBX? I'm pretty sure there have been changes to the exporter so this may be a new bug in need of reporting, or it may be something that has a work around.

  • I've since opened a ticket with the problem explanation to support, and have been told that the current FBX Exporter is tailored for use with Maya and 3DS Max, and not Motionbuilder.  I cannot remove MB from my pipeline, so I'm stuck.  If I had 4.6 Pro back again then I'd be ok.

  • Unfortunately if you didn't make a back-up only Daz can help you.

    Have you tried alternative routes - taking the FBX into another application and exporting to get it into Motion Builder?

  • Thank you for your workaround suggestion, but I'm using the everyday hand poses to animate the fingers with Keymate, which is why I'm coming back into Daz.

    I do have a standalone installer for 4.5 Pro, but the copy of FBX Exporter (which I bought a longtime ago won't install.) As I recall it wasn't built-in at version 4.5, so this was necessary.

    The FBX installer I have is 'DS_FBXExporter_2.0.3.87_mac' and although it looks like it manually installs ok, when I check in Daz Studio 4.5 I'm told that it didn't.  I've attached a couple of screenshots so you can see.

    So, I'm stumped as 4.8 Pro is having problems exporting my binary FBX, and 4.5 won't accept my FBX plug-in. Also the error messages don't even recognise which version the FBX Exporter is either, which is concerning.

    My problem is never-ending.

    Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 22.30.31.png
    413 x 187 - 27K
    Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 22.30.34.png
    780 x 371 - 53K
  • 4.5 should have the FBX Exporter built in without needing a separate install, as far as I can recall.

  • You're right Richard, it's built into 4.5.

    After speaking with support, it turns out that 4.8 Pro's FBX Exporter is incompatible with Motionbuilder, so I'm now giving 4,5 Pro a go.  Hopefully that will go onto the list of fixes for the next update, as after all it's Autodesk too.

    Will post when it's finished exporting.  Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate you taking time to respond.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    It sounds more like MotionBuilder needs to update its FBX version.

    That's one of the major problems with FBX...too darn many versions of it floating around and most of them are not very compatible with each other.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    Unfortunately if you didn't make a back-up only Daz can help you.

    Not sure if this is relevant but if I go back a couple of years in my Account, DS 4.6 is still there... some very old things in my account possibly won't download, like the dragon textures for the Cave System -- possibly because that vendor [Nerd 3D] left DAZ? -- but I do believe I was able to download Hexagon... was thinking of installing it (Hexagon) on a new computer and then having it up and running while watching video tutorials on the previous computer.

    Since there appear to be backups of almost everything, would it be fair to call the new DAZ a sort of cloud service?

  • Cloud originally meant more than "files can be downloaded", though I admit the meaning is pretty heavily diluted these days (there's not much cloud-like about Adobe's Creative Cloud). As for the 4.6 page in your Product Library, I suspect that will give you another copy of 4.8.

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    I suspect that he must be looking at the Serial Number listing, Richard, rather than the Product Library. In my account 4.6 is no longer shown in the product listing, only 4.8. However, under licences a code for 4.6 is shown, but none for later versions since the code has not changed.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    Ok, I checked the ORDERS listing again and it says "DS 4"; clicking "manual download" indeed gives me "4.8" so Richard is correct; who knows maybe the faeries came around in the night and swept things up.

    Well, at least I can still have Hexagon 2.5 blush

  • LeeC2202LeeC2202 Posts: 37
    edited October 2015

    Is there any reason why another user cannot supply the OP with the installer? I'm a bit of a hoarder when it comes to installers, so I have 4.0, 4.6 and 4.8. Considering that DS is now free, is there any reason why I cannot give the OP access to my copy of the installer. It's not like they're going to get acces to my serial number... is it?

    I should add that the actual installer filename is "DAZStudio_4.6.0.18_Win64.exe".

    I'd just like to add that "but they told me that they don't have any copies" is nonsense. No company exists without archives of all product versions. What I see in that statement, is "We don't want to support older versions, so we're not going to give you an older installer"... I'll say no more on that, because as a developer myself, that's not something I agree with, especially when users might have paid for other software that is reliant on a specific version of a tool to maintain an active work flow.

    Post edited by LeeC2202 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Daz 3D are the only people who can distribute Daz Studio files.  That is written into the EULA that you agree to when you purchase anything from the DAZ 3D store. Any other person who distributes the files would be doing so illegally

  • edited October 2015

    Hi LeeC2202, thanks for the support. It appears you only have a PC .exe. version. I'm on Mac. Daz has made it clear that any exchange would be illegal.

    Anyway! lucky for me I kept my Mac 4.5 installer, and it's succesfully exported my FBX to MB.  Problem solved !  Lucky I'm also an 'installer hoader'! :)

    Post edited by paul_carder_74313dfe2f on
  • It would be kinda neat if Daz had a legacy page for downloading older versions.

    Yes it would.
  • XaatXuunXaatXuun Posts: 873

    It would be kinda neat if Daz had a legacy page for downloading older versions.


    Yes it would.

    that would be sweet

    tho I do save my Zip/Installer downloads, so I still have

    3 -  4.0 versions

    1 -  4.2 version

    2 - 4.5 versions

    and 1 - 4.6 version

    too bad they're 32bit, my new machine is 64bit

    NOTE: not for sharing , just saying I save everything

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Was there a 4.2?

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    I thought it went from 4.0.x.x to 4.5.x.x. I have a whole lot of builds, but no 4.2.x.x.

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