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I am so...I do not know if I should just back out of here it all......
??? Oh, go ahead, read it all. The worst that could happen is brain rot.
I highly recommend reading this thread... Well, unless you haven't had all of your shots, have been fully immunized and have recently had a full psych evaluation and been given a thumbs up (they stamp a green thumbs up on your papers if you are good to go now... I think if they stamp a red cartoon squirrel holding a bunch of nuts in his arms, if you might have to stay for more tests)... (I usually climb out a window when I get the squirrel, so I'm not sure)...
Also... I would definitely advise against reading anything I wrote... it's... hmm... what was the word the guys in the white lab coat used...?... oh yeah... "Mentally disruptive and socially subversive with negative long term cognitive degeneration effects... and terrible grammar"
I feel like the part about the grammar was unnecessarily mean... it always ends up being about the bad grammar.
Life isn't about grammar... maybe punctuation is sometimes... but you can always blame it for misunderstandings like when you are feeling out whether or not your new friends are cannibals or not and you say "Let's eat Frank..." and they are "like what the hell?"... you can always say you forgot the comma and see what they say... of course if they agree, you still need to confirm whether or not they are cannibals by saying... "I was just kidding about Frank, but I do know a great cannibal restaurant downtown..." Or wherever your local cannibal restaurant is located... I hear Sweeney's on Fleet street in Brooklyn, NY has really great meat pies... if you find yourself there... otherwise that's a really long walk just for human meat... especially if you live really far away in equatorial Ghana or one of those hill stations in the Himalayan mountains...
I bet you get some great Yeti jerky there... you can't buy it around here anymore after that mad yeti outbreak, and even Amazon stopped selling it.
But I digress... I forgot what I was talking about so I'm going to assume it had something to do with a the chinchilla ranch... I'm not sure why I believe this but I was thinking about ranch dressing and chinchillas a moment ago and unless we were talking about Chinchilla Ranch dressing (like Bacon Ranch, but with chinchilla bits) I'm guess you were thinking about starting your own chinchilla ranch...
I personally think it's a bad idea... chinchillas are very hard to ride without there being a tragedy... usually for the chinchilla... making a whole ranch based on that is an even worse idea... it's cheaper than horses, but you will find yourself replacing the chinchillas constantly.
Unless you have chipmunks riding the chinchillas... then you can charge people to see that... maybe at a roadside venue in Florida... when I was a kid there were all sorts of roadside venues like that down south... most featured alligators or parrots, but I feel chinchillas are up-and-coming in the roadside venue department and the way it's been going lately I'm sure if you threw in an alligator with a lazy eye and a manatee with a blonde wig and a coconut bra, you could make a go at it... then again, I regularly get the red squirrel stamp, so who knows how that will go...
If you were wondering about Chinchilla Ranch dressing, I can't really help... I'm a bacon fan and find chinchilla rather gamey... it's possibly most of the Chinchilla Ranch I tasted was actually Chinchilla Ranch "flavored", and was mostly squirrel or frying rat... (it's a misnomer, "frying rats" can be used in all sorts of recipes not just for fried rat casseroles or whatever)... I'd try Hidden Valley Ranch's Marmot and Parmesan flavor... it's not chinchilla, but it's not bad... but the Parmesan is probably actually cultured rat belly cheese, not real Parmesan where the bacterial enzymes are added by dunking the rat in the milk curds... there is a lot to be said for traditional methods vs industrial processes.
So... I hope that helped...
If you have any other questions or ideas about Chinchilla ranching or pretty much anything, I'd be happy to try and answer them and then diverge drastically from whatever the subject was, leaving you confused and somewhat disoriented by my thought process.
I prefer Fench dressing myself on shredded lettuce
is weird but I don't like eating small furry critters at all, my meals have to have shells, feathers, scales, wool or hide
fur is just a no no so Yetis are safe
I was looking almost everywhere for my wireless keyboard. I looked under the bed. I looked by the bed. I basically looked everywhere excpet in my closet, dresser drawers, ontop of the bed and behind the bed. Turns out if was on my bed. It wasn't there last night.
Didn't you notice your bed was missing?
I slept in a tree once, but I didn't expect my bed to be there... my bed was actually still in the bedroom and I was missing.
I suggest you chain your bed down or get one of those tracking tags to find it when it goes walkabout... if it's a magical bed that might not work, but generally those are more expensive and only sold in magical shops.
French dressing is overrated and lacks the fur of a good Chinchilla Ranch, but I suppose "to each their own"... Yetis are actually quite furry, it's just the jerky that's bald... What you probably want is Auntie Emma's Bald Chinchilla Ranch... all their Ranch dressing feature bald rodents... the best is Naked Mole Rat Cheddar Ranch... it's a little chewy sometimes, but it's batch made, so mostly its smooth.
I put too much jello in my bowl so I couldn't eat it all in one sitting.
just picture a big yellow bowl filled up with reddish jello. As the forums isn't uploading the photo.
Did you know that one probably need access to the computer to play with DS? My computer is downstairs but I'm not.
Can't think of anything, sorry.
Lack of think making never stopped me from stuff doing and word saying.
Snicker, snicker..., I only remember my paternal grandmother as a stern old woman who lived in Florida with her eldest son (my father's brother), i.e. my uncle's family. Decades later when all my grandparents are dead, and my parent's generation, ancient and mostly dead, my aunt (an imposing and wise and worldly woman) said to me that my grandmother (her dead husband's mother) "never let thinking interfere with her talking". And as I thought back to those early days, and now as an adult, I can see she was right.
That's literally the basis for all social media... "words before thought".
At least it isn't thinking about nothing. What is nothing? I can prove something exists but what about nothing. Usually when people say there is nothing to watch, they probably mean that there is nothing they are interested in watching. (Or the power is out and their tv won't turn on!)
Picture a cat getting off the bus as that is the image I'm trying to post?
I finally thought of something...dang, lost it.
Maybe I should try some of that stuff made of jellyfish. Are jellyfish known for having long memories? I thought that was elephants. Seems wrong to kill elephants to make medicine though...nobody cares if jellyfish die to make medicine...well, except maybe jellyfish.
think it was an octopus
An octopus never forgets? No I'm pretty sure it was elephant.
"An Octopus Never Forgets" was the title of the third James Bond movie featuring Sean Connery... The love interest was a Russian elephant spy that helps 007 defeat his nemesis Dr. Bojangles (based on the real word supervillain Mr. Sánchez "The Murder Monkey") to save the world from annihilation.
But you are on to something...
Elephants eat lots of circus grade peanuts which is why they have good memories... being an elephant has nothing to do with their good memory, it's strictly the peanuts... just look at Jimmy Carter, he was a peanut farmer and the residual peanut dust not only gave him superpowers (building entire communities of homes by himself) but it extended his life and helped him write tons of books and boosted his resistance to nuclear radiation... imagine what eating circus peanuts in elephant size doses could do for you...?
Octopuses are known to be good at Calculus and Wordle and are known to be great at running complex ponzi scams, which is why the Ancient Greek polymath Flatulus of Argos coined the saying, "If an octopus asks to borrow your bicycle, refuse him"... That warning wasn't heeded and the Ancient Greeks lost all their bicycles when the subprime bicycle market collapsed and mankind had to wait millennia for bicycles to be reinvented, which is why to this day the Greeks still eat octopuses smothered in lemon butter garlic sauce.
Some jellyfish on the other hand are capable of glowing blue because they can combine calcium with a protein that produces bioluminescence and because a buildup of calcium in the brain is believed to inhibit synaptic relays and is thought to be a factor in Alzheimer's disease, coupled with the fact that the genius scientist Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen glows blue, clearly a glowing blue brain would be a good marketing pitch and help people believe they are feeling smart memory stuff from the brain place thing, money, money, money.
Taking that all into account, it's obvious that a good peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich with octopus dressing is the best solution to bad brain thinking making stuff.
That depends on why the puppy squealed... maybe someone sat on him?... that probably wasn't what it needed... on the other hand if you sit on a goldfish that will get your attention because your pants will feel wet and sticky, that was definitely not what the goldfish needed, but it may have been tired of waiting for people to stop sitting on the stupid puppy and tried to heroically intervene... chickens on the other hand are very selfish and unless cooked are hard to sit on... so aside from a squishy sound chicken pudding makes, most chickens just run away clucking sarcastically.
I am not getting the Daz forums email notifications for a while. I can't figure out why?
edit: did I take my 1pm pill yet? I think it is after 1pm?
Are you sure they aren't panicing?
Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkerchief album had two concentric grooves on the B-side, so that depending on where you put the needle, you might hear two entirely different sets of tracks.
..I have that album.
Today in Stupid News...
I was going to mention this in the complaint thread, but I feel it belongs here more than there...
Everyone is well aware of the problems that might be associated with barreling too fast into AI, not necessarily so much about Terminator type robots taking over the world (it would more likely be those creepy dog robots), but more likely AI just screwing up facts, rewriting everything in a profoundly stupid way and basically making everything like a Google search gone bad... it won't come from those with a desire to do science or create good things, but obviously from lazy efforts to monetize AI... that's a given and you can't swing a drunk cat without hitting an article about AI and how it's going to screw everything up... Plenty to worry about there and rightly so.
So yeah, there's that... but apparently a bunch of folks in the supplement industry saw all that and said "Hold my beer..."
I'm sure at this point enough folks are aware of the Cordyceps fungus family... they are the nasty fungi that feature in "The Last Of Us", have been the subject of many documentaries about zombie ants and probably haunt the nightmares of a good number of people...
Many, if not all of the Cordyceps family infect a host with spores which grow inside and hijack the hosts brain to cause it to intentionally infect other would be hosts with spores, before the fungus completely kills the host, sprouting from it huge fungal roots and appendages which distribute more spores into the air completing the cycle.
Its most well known for attacking and zombifying social insects like ants, because it will make the ants adhere themselves somewhere their brethren gather or travel, to maximize the distribution of spores.
Some geniuses decided that making "nutritional supplements" out of a Zombie Fungus is a great new idea... because maybe nobody has created a dystopian science fiction genre where mankind is facing annihilation by both zombies and robots at the same time?
Granted the fungus has been used for centuries by folk medicine in Asia, but yeah, let's mass produce this... I suppose as long as there is a disclaimer that says "this product has not been fully evaluated and is not intended to cure or treat diseases and probably won't lead to zombification" what could possibly go wrong?
I find it funny that one of the intended uses is to improve athletic performance... because apparently someone looked at zombies and noticed they barely break a sweat chasing dinner...?
It's also supposed to "possibly" be good for a bunch of other things, but the data is inconclusive on all of that.
I suppose the one silver lining to this is that we probably don't have to be worried about being invaded by aliens also, because they'll take one look at this mess and be like "Nope... Pass."
Well, whatever... if you see a really fuzzy dude rooted to the seat at the bus stop, with big long branches growing out of his body, holding a sign that reads "free hugs"... just keep walking.
...yeah, then there are these alleged "scientists" who are actually talking about using DNA from extinct species like Mammoths to bring them back .
What could go wrong?
Oh and "lab grown meat". Think I'll pass.
Save for their "miracle medicine" I probably wouldn't do well in the Star Trek Universe either given that everything you eat, wear, sit on, etc, in is replicated from "whatever".
If you let the replicator scan the real thing, I hear it makes a decent cup of Earl Grey, hot.
Yeah, but like present day copiers, you need to set the density correctly or you end up with Earl Grey, hot mousse.