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Yes, some render engines can do out of core rendering. Octane is one of them, Redshift is another. But Octane is build by Octane, they have full control over development. Daz gets Iray from Nvidia, So Daz doesn't have such control over Iray's development.
There is indeed a performance hit when going out of core, and this is when having a better balanced system can come into play. You pcie becomes more important, and the 4060ti is slower here, with only x8 rather than x16 and that 128 bit bus. This makes sense, because now the computer has to constantly share data with the GPU, which Iray simply does not do. And of course you need a decent CPU because now it has more traffic to direct. I also read a post that when Octane goes out of core the RTX features will stop working, too. Not a big problem if you have an older GTX card, but RTX makes a huge difference with newer GPUs. So if this is true, the ut of core performance hit on newer RTX cards might be much higher than GTX. Still it probably beats rendering on CPU in Iray.
Because Iray is so purely GPU focused, you can ignore a lot of other specs.
And yes, you can possibly guess some of reasons why out of core would not be a feature for Nvidia's render engine. <.<
These are the 3 items needed for the scene.
Toulouse Hair ->free with every Genesis Starter Essentials, the one used in the bench comes from G2F.
Shadow Thief for Genesis 8 (top) ->free with DS itself, if not installed, search your Daz product library on the website to download. This item is not part of any Genesis Essentials, so some people may overlook it.
Persian Beauty (pants) ->free with Genesis 2 Female Starter Essentials
You should have everything else. The shaders used are also included with DS.
And of course the Genesis 8 Female itself. All the other objects are primitives.
Tested my new 4060Ti 16GB back to back with my old 3060 12GB in Daz3d
In April 2023 built a new machine, and chose the GPU mainly for DAZ. I dont play games but realised I needed VRAM for rendering so chose the NVIDIA RTX 3060 12GB card. This seemed like a well respected card on the Daz forums, offering plenty of VRAM for a good price at the time. Since then the 4060 Ti 16GB has been released.
I have recently noticed with some of my more complex scenes involving 2-3 figures with long dforce strand based hair, I max out the VRAM and fall back to CPU.
Hence I decided to change to the new RTX 4060 ti 16GB card. I know a lot of folk will say "buy a used 3090", but for me thats not practical. My PSU cant handle the power draw, and they generate too much heat for my small office, not to mention on ebay here they are approx £700 vs £479 for the 4060 ti. I also notice that there are currently no real world reviews of the card when running Daz, only some syntetic gaming benchmarks which show approx 30% imporvement over the older 3060 cards.
Before installing the new card, I built a scene with 1 x G8 character using long dforce hair and dforce clothes in a complex room and lighting with mirrors. I then rendered a small version at 533 x 800 pixels, render quality=4, 95% convergance ratio and ran this GPU render with nothing else running on the machine for 45 min to see how many Iray itterations it would do before the new GPU arrived.
I then swapped the GPU and ran the same test again (10 mins after the first render finished). Please note, Im not comparing time to load or anything else, just raw rendering time on the scenes I tend to work with, at the very limit of the 12GB VRAM that I had. Normally I render much larger ie 4000px not 800px, but I needed to run the test quickly as DPD were on the way with the new GPU card.
Here are the results:
1. NVIDIA RTX 3060 12GB : VRAM use = 11.6 GB during the rendering
CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060): 6187 iterations, 5.320s init, 2590.752s (2.39 = itterations per second)
GPU Temperature 72 degrees C. Ambient temp 20 degrees C
2. NVIDIA RTX 4060 Ti 16GB : VRAM use = 11.5 GB during the rendering
CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti): 7022 iterations, 4.309s init, 2568.136s (2.73 = itterations per second)
GPU Temperature 55 degrees C. Ambient temp 20 degrees C
The three fan MSI 4060 is quieter than the 2 fan MSI 3060. The lower temperature is noticable in so far at the temp in the office is reduced with this new card.
Rendering speed is 12.5% improvement. I bought the 4060 for the additional VRAM which allows me to render more complex scenes, but I was also expecting a bigger (ie 30%) imporvement in rendering speed if im honest, what with the more modern architecture and ray tracing cores.
Final thoughts:
The 16GB 4080 costs approx £1200 here. Two 4060 ti 16GB's would cost £960.
The two card config would use approx the same amount of power as the single 4080. I know in the game reviews they say the 4080 doesnt give double the performance of a single 4060. So in Daz rendering would 2x 4060ti give double the performance of a single 4060ti and therefore be better and cheaper than a single 4080 setup?
First off, I would like to thank nick_82e9d0c8 for his great sacrifice of buying a 4060ti 16gb which most people agree that at best is a very long and hard decision to make over buying a used rtx 3090
There is some very good data that he gathered with the render test. He mentioned the 4060ti 16gb did 2.73 itterations per second while the 3060 12gb did 2.39 itterations per second. If we go with that very rough figure alone (for now) that means the 4060ti 16gb in render speed is just 9.3% faster than the 3060 12gb.
Again pricing is different for every country but if you go with my local pricing, selling my 4060 ti for $229 and buying a 4060 ti for $553 for a 9.3% performance gain and 4gb of vram for me is questionable. Used 3090's go for $750, so if I add another $197, I will instead get a 150% (2.5x according to outrider42 's tests) performance gain and 12gb of vram.
Please remember, that here in europe, we talk about prices with everything included = The actual amount of money that we have to pay to get the item, not some imaginary base price plus service fee plus taxes plus tips etc...
I overlooked this thread, I have not seen Nick's post. That is the problem with the 4060ti so far, it just is not performing like it should. However, the 4000 series as a whole is currently underperforming with Iray. Iray is getting an update that is supposed to fix this...but we have to wait for Daz to put the update into DS. They have not done so yet. Once this update drops, the 4060ti (and all 4000 series) should get a boost.
But while that is great, assuming the Iray devs are telling the truth, all the 4000 series will improve meaning the 4060ti is still going to be the same percentage weaker than the other 4000 cards. At least its performance should get better versus the 3060. How much better? We simply do not know. There are no numbers. And we have to wait on Daz to give us the update anyway.
And never use gaming benchmarks as a guide for Iray, not even a ballpark figure. Iray is just too different from any game. My 3060 games as fast as my 1080ti, but actually renders Iray almost twice as fast. So if you went with gaming benchmarks, you might have though a 1080ti would be great for Iray. It was at one point, back in 2017, but that time has passed. Ray tracing changes everything. This thread might be the only place on the internet that attempts to track Iray. If you can't find a comparison, the next best thing is to look at other rendering engines. Puget tests most GPUs with Octane or Vray, which are still not Iray, but much more comparable. The Blender Cycles tests with Optix are another.
The reason I am posting here, is that the 4060ti is getting another discount. Some of you may know some models dropped to $450 US, well now Amazon is offering an additional $30 instant coupon on top of that. That takes the 16gb 4060ti down to a Scooby-Dooby $420.
This is model specific, a Zotec to be exact. This link comes from Daniel Owen. It is also, um, a Spiderman themed card, lol. But the Spidy back plate is magnetic and removable, so if you don't want the Spiderman theme in your PC, you can just leave it off. It is probably better to do that anyway for better thermals. Anyway, at $420 the 4060ti 16gb starts making better sense.
I wonder if they will do any Black Friday specials, or whatever the next big retail day is. They might drop even more. As we are in September now, we might see more retail specials coming.
someone online just posted their RTX 3090 for $636. Since 4060ti 16gb prices have not budged here (still $563) I'm gonna try to buy that 3090 tomorrow (adding just $73 over the 4060ti to get a rtx3090 is AMAZING)
not based on any experimentation of numbers, but I recenly bought a system with a 4080. Yes, it is fast than my 2070 super, but as a precentage, not all that much. I'm somewhat disappointed with DAZ performance overall. Rendering with a lot of hairs, slows rendering down a lot. Certain light setups. Ultrascenery builds pretty fast, but it still takes quite awhile to render.
If I had to do it over, as far as for DAZ, I would save some money and go with the 4060Ti.
A 4080 should be roughly 3 times (or more) faster than a 2070 in the same scene. The 4060ti would be faster, but not twice as fast. The 4080 is twice as fast as the 4080. Scaling doesn't always hold exactly the same on every scene, but it will be generally in that area.
If you are looking at your scenes that are over 8gb that couldn't render on the 2070, those are going to take longer on any other GPU as well. But the scaling will still be there, and a 4060ti would be about half as fast in those scenes.
BTW, there are more and more rumors of a 4000 series refresh running the rounds. It looks likely that there will be "Super" variants of a few cards, which may possibly feature some VRAM bumps. But nothing is known for sure at this time. One of the rumors is for a 4070 Super that might have 16gb which could be great if priced right, but it might just keep 12 like other 4070s. A 4080 Super is also on the table, it could have 20gb or keep the 16 of the standard 4080. The 4080 Super is most likely to happen, because the US has banned 4090 exports to China. They have not banned lower tier cards, and that would mean Nvidia has a good reason to ship a stronger 4080 that stays under the ban.