58th Bryce Contest ( Endless )

Intro: This will be a long one, so had to make a makeshift spoiler tag.
Click here if you want to read.
Bryce Contest #57
Theme: Endless
Like a true bryce-oholic, create an endless world for all to witness and see. Be it animations, seamless textures, or infinite loops. Your choices are endless, and only your imagination is the limit.
All renders must be new renders.
You can enter up to 3 renders.
You must abide by the DAZ 3D forum TOS
Imported content is allowed, but the render must be obviously a Bryce render.
Post Work permitted, but please keep it to a minimum.
Please submit your works before the deadline
judging is done by a voting poll, which all members will be allowed to vote.
Challenge ends June 30th, 2023 (Extra time will be given if needed)
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist place $30 2nd place $20 3rd place $15
In addition DAZ 3D Store Credit will be given to the people whose renders are selected as the Honorable mentions,
$10 for each of 3 honorable mentions
We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. DAZ 3D will add $10.
Judged by a poll which will be set up at closure of the challenge.
By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose
(Props to anyone who actually creates a coconut buddy. you will get my vote!)
wow Apoc, a nice theme... I think we will see many beautiful entries with this theme...
Awesome theme Apoc. Hopefully one day someone will get a wake up call ... it's time to upgrade Bryce (referring to your linked post)
Apoc - interesting theme and also a very interesting comment in your linked post. The animation looks just great.
I'm stumped already, lol.
I read your link and agree with Chohole that Bryce replaced her brushes, not her skills.
Looking for ideas for the new challenge, I came across this nice video
mermaid, thank you for the video. Nice to know that it is still being used outside of this forum :)
mermaid - thank you for this video. Good to hear - and see - that we are not alone appreciating and using Bryce.
mermaid : thanks for that interesting video.
Apoc: An interesting theme! And a cool twisted animation.
Mermaid: Thanks for providing a Link to this great video.
Mermaid - thanks for this nice video. Good to know that Bryce Fans are everywhere.
It’s quite a challenging challenge, I thought of an animation-(Apoc mentioned animation in the intro,) and I remembered I did an animation for one of the challenges a long time ago it didn’t go too well, mainly because I posted a link to the gif on my Pinterest account, unfortunately it takes long to load.
Anyway, my 1st - an abstract; it would be endless colors, curves, lines, geometry anything, based on a tutorial by David – mirrored box, I used a pyramid instead of a cube.
mermaid - beautiful first entry to this challenge.
It's so pretty mermaid
Good work, mermaid010, a very abstract concept.
My render Infinite Corridor:
Simple three planes.
Teobaldo - well done infinite corridor.
mermaid : a great start of the challenge, very well done.
Teobaldo : wonderful infinite corridor.
Thanks Horo, NGartplay and Adbc
Teobaldo - beautiful corridor, thanks for the comment
Teobaldo - I just noticed your entry in the gallery. If I remember correctly, challenge entries should not be published before the Poll is done.
Very cool Teo!
So what animations file types canbe uploaded beside GIF which Bryce does not render.
Mermaid - beautiful entry.
Teobaldo - very well done.
Thanks Yellow Pen
I don't know much about technology, all my animations I convert to gif in photoshop, upload to my Pinterest board and post a link here. Maybe I'm not sure the avi file can be uploaded to YouTube and posted here. The difficulty arose with my entry, that's about 6 years or more ago, it could not be included in the voting. I think I replaced it with a still.
And Krita can make animated GIF + Thanx
My first entry.
Title: Toruseses
Used: Bryce 7.1 Pro and an unpublished HDRI.
Note: The plural of Torus is Tori, I let myself being inspired by the Fisheses of Sméagol Gollum.
Wow Horo truly fantastic entry, superbly done.
Horo - I agree with mermaid. It is fantastic.
Horo: Wow, the torus dimension, very good.
Horo : I agree with the others, just fantastic !
Thank you mermaid, Yellow Pen, Teobaldo and adbc.