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Yeah, i did manually transfer them.
You can replicate it quite easily like this:
Import g9, load arial9 head morph, transfer, dial head morph - deformed eyemoisture.
I have had issues with eyemoisture before, but i always assumed it was because of my lack of understanding of the plugin.
This is just a minor issue and i could just use eyemoisture from a baked import. would be cool if there was a solution though.
You can check the figure if there's a vendor morph for the eyemoisture. If yes then it should be used and the morph should be the same as daz. If no then trasferring is approximated by the nearest vertex and there may be differences with daz. If the issue is limited to a specific figure then may be vendor morphs are not provided. I tried Victoria 9 and everything works fine here.
Then if you believe there's a bug feel free to report at bitbucket for Thomas to check.
I did some more testing and it turns out that even in daz it does deform the eyemoisture like that, so it's a daz problem as you have suggested. Thank you for your help, i feel better now knowing that the problem is on the daz side and that i can keep doing my usual workflow.
Is it possible to remove imported custom morphs?
yes, you can remove categories
Thanks. Seems like that would let me remove all custom morphs. It would be cool if there was an option to remove single morphs right in the custom morph panel.
I have encountered what i think might be a bug. When you load a unbaked g8.1 or g9, load facs, load a custom morph that morphes the armature (tested with ariel9 head, vic9 head, eve8.1 head), morph the armature and then dial in the "eye look up-down" facs, the r_eye and l_eye bone seem to be not working correctly.
Yes, removing morphs is a limited feature you can only remove whole categories not single morphs. But you can choose or make new categories on import to better subdivide the morphs for your needs. For example when you're not sure if you want to keep the morph you can assign it to a "temp" category.
As for bugs you can report them at bitbucket for Thomas to check. There you can also make requests for new features or improvemennts, but for morphs it was already requested to remove single morphs and Thomas replied it is not possible for the way they are coded internally.
Thanks, appreciate it!
Been trying the diffeomorphic addon now for the last few weeks, mostly with Genesis 9 characters and models. This was the best result I've had so far, probably due to the high quality textures that the Karmen 9 model came with. Converted the hair using the 'Make Hair' function of the plug-in and it came out pretty well. I reduced the default 'steps' from 5 to 3 and the root and tip radius to .3 as the default settings seemed to be too thick and clumpy. The following renders are from Blender 3.65 and Blender 4.0 Beta. Of course, I had to open the 3.65 file in Blender 4.0 as I'm not sure if the addon is 4.0 ready yet?
Anyway, the first image is using filmic color management settings. It looks good, and as I said, the best result I've had so far...
The second image is from Blender 4.0 using the new AgX color management settings. Higher contrast and more saturation in the colors.
Apart from the color management selections, all the other settings were the same. I know the Principled BSDF has changed between 3.6 and 4.0, so I can't be sure any changes in the shaders migrating from 3.65 to 4.0 may have made some color adjustments all on their own. They did for characters I brought in from CC4 and iClone... More tests to do. Hopefully I'll figure out this whole animation thing one day.....
Your two pictures appear to have different lights, the new view trasform in 4.0 should only affect overexposed areas where filmic tends to saturate with color while agx tends to desaturate with white that's more realistic.
As for 4.0 Thomas worked hard on it and now the addon should be compatible already. There's some advantages in 4.0 importing with principled since we now have colored reflections that wasn't possible before. But for best materials it is required to import as bsdf.
Thanks for Thomas' effort in advance !
Ditto. The ability to keep the original DAZ rig when using MHX/Rigify is incredible. Along with everything else. Awesome piece of software.
I can't think of anyone who has helped me out more than Thomas and Padone. Sincere thanks to both of you.
Can anyone explain what's wrong with the bones when morphing?
I used import daz favorite.
But Bones don't change
(Image removed by mod for nudity. Please remove the texture and repost it.)
The strange thing is that only standard morphs work, the rest of the loaded ones don’t
I checked in the daz all the bones are moving
I tried "import custom morph"-"make all bones posable"
did not help.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
help me please
Please use Smooth Shaded Drawstyle (cmd/ctrl 7) to show the figure.
@igornanana You probably need morphing armatures.
Version 1.7.2 Released
Version 1.7.2 of the DAZ Importer and MHX Runtime system has been released. It can be downloaded from
The main improvements in this release are:
This release has been tested with Blender 2.83, 3.6 and 4.0, but should run on intermediate Blender versions too.
Wow, just in time. Setup my new PC and decided to use Blender 4.0 on this one.
You're the best !!!
Hello, thank you. Does it work on Linux?
I don't use Linux myself, but it seems like others are able to make it work (and run DS under Wine).
Hi Thomas!
First of all, I LOVE using Diffeomorphic! The MHX option for rigs is especially awesome once I learned how to import poses and expressions from my Daz library into Blender to help with animation. I do have a question about the interface, though. On the blog, you write about how you can create a Spine IK when making the rig. I'm not getting that option, however, when I do it. I'm using version 1.7.1, but I also do all my model work (shaders, clothing, rigging, etc) in Blender 3.0 because I'm really not a fan of later versions (mostly, the whole thing with removing the Skeleton area in favor of the Asset Library). Is this option only available with a certain version of Blender? I (thought I) read the whole page, but at this age, I can't half-see anymore, so who knows?
I believe spine ik is available from 1.7.2, together with other new options
Thanks you for this great plugin!!
I'm trying to import a character but I have a few problems.
I made a scene in Daz with only a Generic 8.1 Female wearing Epic Eyes ( )
Those are custom eyes geometry which offer compatibility with MetaHuman shaders once imported inside Unreal Engine.
They are attached like clothes inside Daz :
In the scene, I also add a head morph in my favorites, so it will be imported later. I don't activate it in the Daz scene.
Once in Blender, I use Diffeomorphic to import the character. The character look fine, Epic eyes too. This is how they look :
However, if I activate the head morph inside Blender, this is what happen to the epic eyes :
Their shape is not supposed to change like that (they should grow a little bit, since the morph make the head a little bit bigger, but that's it).
I tested to :
- Reimport the morph on the Epic Eyes (but it was already there)
- Convert morph to shapekeys on the character's mesh, then transfer shapekeys to the epic eyes (in case something was missing)
- Check "ERC Morphs" inside Global Settings. By reading Diffeomorphic documentation, I'm not sure if my morph is an ERC morph, but since it change the head shape and also make it a little bit bigger, I though it could be the reason of the distortion. I also tested multiple imports by mixing this option with "convert/transfer shapekeys" like before
- Check "Ignore Hidden Objects" in Global Settings, and hide the original genesis eyes before exporting, in case they were messing with the Epic Eyes
- Remove the shapekey from the Epic eyes : in this case, there is no distortion but the eyes are not following the head anymore when activating the morph, which is expected
None of these seems to fix the problem unfortunately, and I'm out of ideas.
Please note that if I export the same scene with the morph activated inside Daz before saving the scene, everything works correctly.
However, I would like to keep a basic G8.1F as reusable mesh and export it with a bunch of morphs if that's possible, because my goal is to export this mesh with its morphs inside Unreal Engine and being able to modify morphs at runtime (and it will probably be easier if I only have one mesh to manipulate)
As a test, I skipped the Blender part and used DazToUnreal instead to export the same character : a generic G8.1F with Epic eyes and the same morph (not applied in Daz).
This time, once inside Unreal Engine, the eyes works correctly, with or without the morph.
I'm not sure which settings I'm missing.
ERCs should work in this case, the drawback is you can't rig the figure since ERCs don't work fine with IK. As long as you use the daz rig it should be fine. However, importing ERCs morphs in blender will not export to game engines and it only works in blender because of a "dirty trick" where the addon continuously goes in and out of edit mode while rendering, that's not ideal. Blender doesn't natively support ERCs so it is strongly advised to stay out of it unless really necessary for your purpose.
If your use of ERCs is limited, you can try to import as a custom morph instead, that will not change the bones but ony the geometry shape.
Thanks for your reply
Unfortunately I couldn't get them to work. I checked "ERC Morphs" in the Global Settings, then imported the character.
I set the morph value to 1 (deformation occurs) then clicked on "Morph Armature": the face bones move and seem to match the new face shape.
However, the epic eyes mesh is still deformed in the same way.
So I guess I'm stuck. My goal was to switch from DazToUnreal to Diffeomorphic to have more control over my character's customization, but also to take advantage of Diffeomorphic's ability to add IKs.
I'd already done some animations with SimpleIK using Diffeomorphic, but until now I'd used a different mesh for each character.
Even if I can share the same animation once in Unreal Engine because the 2 meshes will share a similar skeleton, it's difficult to maintain in the long term.
For example, simply forgetting to add a morph means having to export all the characters again from Blender to add the morph, instead of just having one mesh to modify.
I see. I guess that's why there's this limitation with Diffeomorphic but not with DazToUnreal. It's going through Blender that means ERCs aren't supported.
I think you're right, I'll try to avoid ERC morphs as much as possible if that's a problem, as I'd like to continue using Blender and Diffeomorphic.
Is there any way to tell if a morph is an ERC inside Daz, to avoid exporting it? At the moment, I activate Joint Editor and I activate the morph to see if the bones move, but maybe there's a simpler solution?
However, I really need to use this morph so if there really isn't a solution, I'll activate the morph in Daz before exporting, and use this "baked" mesh specifically for this character, even if it means more work for morph (and code) management.
I'm not sure I understand.
I don't know if this is what you mean, but I tried to reimport the character without morph.
Then I use "Import custom morphs" on the character mesh and choose the morph for the head. I leave the default import options.
I get this popup message when importing: "Daz Importer : Found morphs that want to change the rest pose."
The morph seems to have been imported. I transfer it to the epic eyes with "Transfer Shapekeys"
Then if I activate the morph in "Daz Runtime", the deformation of the eyes still occurs.
I tried the epic eyes and they seem to work fine here with ERC morphs. Blender 3.6.5 and diffeomorphic 1.7.3.
my steps:
Then unreal doesn't support morphing armatures, that is a feature unique to daz studio you will not find it in any other software. So I doubt the daz bridge exports them, probably you are confused. Also unreal doesn't support dual quaternion so the daz deformations will not be exported fine.
p.s. As for distinguishing ERCs there's no easy way that I know of. Usually most actor morphs are ERC and most pose morphs aren't, but this also depends on the PAs who unfortunately tend to mix the two.
I tested to replicate your steps and everything works fine. There is no deformation.
However, this morph only modifies the body. I tried a new import, this time importing the head morph FHMVictoria8.dsf.
When I activated the head morph, the eyes didn't follow, so I had to do "Transfer shapekeys" to transfer the morph to the eyes.
But then the same deformation occurred when I activated the morph. I don't know if you observe the same problem on your side if you try the head morph ?
You're right, Unreal Engine doesn't support this, and we need custom code to achieve something similar.
But I wasn't talking about the armature, but rather about the fact that with DazToUnreal, it seems that the morph can be applied at runtime and the epic eyes will follow the face well, without being distorted like on the image I posted previously.
Here's the result I got with the character exported with DazToUnreal, by changing the morph at runtime in Unreal Engine.
The shape when the morph is at 1.0 is similar to the shape of the eyes inside Daz, and similar to the eyes of the character imported inside Unreal Engine when the morph is already baked to the figure. Sorry for the bad quality :
The skeleton problem will come up later, however. For the moment, everything works fine in A-Pose, but I can imagine that some deformation will occur once I've animated the face, in the same way that deformation occurs when you use a morph that enlarges or shrinks a body too much at runtime, because the skeleton doesn't match the mesh anymore.
However, even if Unreal Engine itself doesn't support this kind of functionality, there are a few ways (more or less complex) for the skeleton to follow mesh deformation.
Please note that I'm not an expert on this subject though.
I think the simplest way is to create a corrective pose that offsets the bones to put the skeleton back in the right place (but this isn't a perfect solution, as it probably won't work for intermediate morph values).
Yes, that's another problem, but support for Dual Quaternion can be added by recompiling Unreal Engine from source. But I haven't activated it yet in my case.
Version 1.7.3 Released
Stable version 1.7.3 of the DAZ Importer and MHX Runtime system is a bugfix release. In particular, it fixes a bug that prevented older characters to be imported under Blender 4. This version can be downloaded from
@AlternateDreams Yes I can reproduce the issue with the Victoria 8 FHM. The explanation is epic eyes doesn't provide a vendor morph for Victoria 8 so in blender it is used a fast "nearest face" method to transfer, while this works fine enough in most cases it is not the same as the daz studio transfer. So when vendor morphs are not provided there's some difference.
What you can do is to export the eye shape from daz studio as obj, then import in blender as shapekey for the FHM. In general you can use this technique whenever you need to export a complex daz morph to blender.
Another simpler way in this case is to just use some smoothing to fix the transferred shape.
p.s. As for implementing morphing armatures that's what Thomas did in blender. You can't just "pose" the armature because the geometry will follow the deforming bones. You need to enter edit mode and modify the rest pose.