Animation Script Question
Hello! I have a scene with an object that I have created an animation for. I need to render the full animation of the object using each camera angle seperately and then save them as different avi files in the render library. As it is, I have to render camera 1 and wait for it to finish. I save it and move on to the next render, this time using camera 2, and so on. Is there a script that would enable me to set up a list of animation renders from the various camera angles and automatically save them with different names like "camera01" for camera 1? I would like to have around eight different renders of the same scene without having to wait around to start and save them individually. It would save me a lot of time. Any help would be most appreciated:)
maybe use to repeat timeline on each camera
And then sequence the camera changes with
You would have to split he vid afterwards that way though
Thanks for the reply DigiDotz! I will see what I can do. I have Adobe Premiere Elements 10 which is what I wiil use to try to split the video but what program would you reccomend using or does it matter?