DAZ Studio extremely laggy

Hello guys! Please, excuse me if my topic is not on the right place. I have a quick question, so my DAZ is extremely laggy in viewport... like EXTREMELY. It's not possible to move around and pose characters or something you know. I'm working on DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro and my PC is - 

Motherboard - MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus - Latest Driver

CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5900x

GPUs - MSI RTX 3080TI 12GB / GIGABYTE GEFORCE RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G - Latest Driver aka 531.61 Studio Driver


PSU - TT 1550W

I have watched other forum posts about this topic and yes - I have tried Edit/Preferences/Interface/Display Optimization to Best and Anti-Aliasing. It is still the same. I have also tried to reduce characters Mesh Resolutions... Simply don't know what else to do. It's hell to work like that. Thank you in advance!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    Which graphics card is your monitor connected to?

  • crosswind said:

    Which graphics card is your monitor connected to?

    Hey, thank you for your reply. So, my main monitor from where I work is connected to the 3080TI, the second monitor is connected to the 4070. 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    Oh, two monitors, hoho, I only have one.. but you may try to unplug one and see if there's any change...

    BTW, you drag Left Mouse Button while holding CTRL+ALT, is it also very laggy?

  • masonblackfmasonblackf Posts: 31
    edited April 2023

    crosswind said:

    Oh, two monitors, hoho, I only have one.. but you may try to unplug one and see if there's any change...

    BTW, you drag Left Mouse Button while holding CTRL+ALT, is it also very laggy?

    Yessir, it's literally disgusting :D I will try to do that yes. Not long time ago, I had an issue in some games where I had strange lag and apperently it was because my main monitor is 144hz and the second one is 60hz. NVIDIA knew about this, so after driver update was fixed. But now I don't know what to do. I will try to turn off my second monitor and after that to put both of them under the same GPU. I will update my comment with the results. Thanks!

    P.S: It is still the same...

    Post edited by masonblackf on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    masonblackf said:

    crosswind said:

    Oh, two monitors, hoho, I only have one.. but you may try to unplug one and see if there's any change...

    BTW, you drag Left Mouse Button while holding CTRL+ALT, is it also very laggy?

    Yessir, it's literally disgusting :D I will try to do that yes. Not long time ago, I had an issue in some games where I had strange lag and apperently it was because my main monitor is 144hz and the second one is 60hz. NVIDIA knew about this, so after driver update was fixed. But now I don't know what to do. I will try to turn off my second monitor and after that to put both of them under the same GPU. I will update my comment with the results. Thanks!

    P.S: It is still the same...

    Okay... now you're using General Release, correct?  You may install the latest Public Build (just released, and give it a test... 

  • Thank you, I will give it a try.

  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited April 2023

    That is normal. Even if you have a good rig there's no way that you can handle an average scene with an environment and some figures. Because DAZ assets are not optimized at all for the GPU. You need to use the scene optimizer to reduce both the textures and the geometry resolution. Especially if you use HD environments and figures.

    Or you can display the viewport as smooth shaded with no textures, so you only need to reduce the geometry resolution. You can also hide the scene parts that you don't use, if that is possible.


    Post edited by Padone on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119
    edited April 2023

    What the OP mentioned was about an 'extreme lag' when manipulating in viewport other than any rendering issue...  If such a 'laggy issue' is found when you have a 3080ti + 4070 etc., it's really abnormal. There must be sth. wrong...

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Which Viewport preview mode (Iray/Texture shaded) is in use? What type of hair are the characters using? SubD on the characters/clothing/hair? smoothing?
    All these have an effect and if one turns everything to the max, even the mightiest of rigs can be taken down to it's knees.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    masonblackf said:

    Thank you, I will give it a try.

     And, you'd better post a screenshot, with Draw Settings pane activated...

  • As I mentioned before, the SubD of the characters, hair, clothes etc etc are always on 0 when I'm posing them. I haven't really touched the Draw Settings, so here is a screenshot of it - 

    437 x 396 - 20K
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    masonblackf said:

    As I mentioned before, the SubD of the characters, hair, clothes etc etc are always on 0 when I'm posing them. I haven't really touched the Draw Settings, so here is a screenshot of it - 

    Got it~ Have you tried Public Build? And make sure your DrawStyle is Texture Shaded (CTRL+9)...

  • I have installed the Public Build and to be honest there is a slight change in the performance, but it is nearly the same. I'm thinking... could it be because of Windows 11? I have changed to Win 11 long time ago, so I don't remember the performance of DAZ on Windows 10, but also I was with different hardware back then.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,119

    Some friends of mine who either have 3080 + Win11 or 4090 + Win11 have not encountered such a lag in viewport...  I just had a fresh Win11 installed on a laptop with 3070, so far so good...  However you're the one who have both of 30 + 40 cards installed with Win11..., I also wonder why you have this laggy issue. My PC has one A6000(display) and two Quadros, even in a typical scene with 6 fully-equipped HD figures + complex environment, after switching to Wire Texture Shaded Drawstyle, I can see significant lag when orbiting the view but not an extreme one.

    Now I have no other idea.. but double check this again.. and test with a G8 or G9 base figure:

    finally... try to unplug one card, or swap the PCIe sockets of 2 cards... see if there's any change...

  • Will do! Thank you for replying, if that doesn't work I'll just make a fresh Win, Daz and driver install. Once again thank you for your time, appreciate it!

  • When Win 11 was released, there were numerous complaints that it wasn't compatible with AMD cpu's and benchmark tests showed significant performance degredation. I don't know if this issue was ever addressed by Microsoft, but it may be worth looking at as a possible cause. 

  • hejjj12hejjj12 Posts: 51
    edited July 2023

    Did you get this fixed? I have the same issue with a 3090 and otherwise similar setup. Even old scenes that used to run smoothly is now laggy as hell. In any view mod. Also it crashes in the viewmod above Iray. Don't remember the name, will check tomorrow.

    Nvidia drivers helpt a little with a earlier problem, but now I can't even have a few rocks in a scene before it lags. Though it doesn't seem to be Genesis fault. It's mostly when I add other scene assets such as grass or building or rocks it goes crazy. Hiding them fixes the lagg, but can really work like that. 

    Edit: It is filament that makes daz3d crash, and nothing really happens to the lagg when removing all the genesis character, but it goes from unusable to fully fucntional when removing props and objects from the scene, and I don't have many. Only using a few rocks from this scene https://www.daz3d.com/sbibb-limestone-cave-vignette and suddenly it's like I'm playing a game with 1 fps. 

    Update again, okay apperantly my old scenes got fixed by the latest drives. It is just something wrong with https://www.daz3d.com/sbibb-limestone-cave-vignette apperantly only a singel part from it make daz3d lagg like crazy. While I can have multipale enviroments from other sets without any issue. So I guess it's solved, but I wonder whta makes that scene so broken. 

    Upadte: Nevermind it was all solved. First nvidia drivers made my old scenes slower, but when that was fixed a newer scene began to crash again after a restart. So I assumed it was the same issue, but it was only that that scene had to many lights included in it, so after all lights were turned off it worked perfectly fine again. 

    Post edited by hejjj12 on
  • For anyone coming across this thread in the future, I've been banging my head against the wall for a year with this issue. Finally, another developer on a Discord server I'm on suggested turning Off the "Interactive Updates" setting on the individual models (under Parameters). It's made all the difference for me.

    522 x 144 - 10K
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