Joint Controlled Morphs Tutorial/Documentation


Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial or document that explains Joing Controlled Morphs as scalar values AND multipliers?

If there's an easier way to do this than below please let me know.  

Specifically, I'm looking for a way to apply a morph ONLY when two axes are greater not (greator or less than) 0.  So if a thigh is rotated in X but not in Z then I want to see nothing.  Likewise, if the thigh is rotated in Z but not in X nothing should show up.  But I want the morph to be applied on a scalar value when both X & Z rotations are not zero.  I've tried the first stage (Delta Add) at a Scalar value with a 2nd in the 2nd State multiplier.. and then vice versa on the other axis.  Can't get it to work in any logical way.  This is driving me nuts.  I've been playing with this off and on for Y E A R S!  

Thanks for any help you can provide

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