Freak 4 Injection/Morphs Not Working

Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731

I'm encountering a problem using Freak 4. When I load M4 and then use the Freak 4 morph injections pose, nothing is loaded to the figure at all. No new dials anywhere. When I load the Freak 4 figure, the body morphs don't load at all, only the head morphs. The dials DO show up but changing the values doesn't result in any changes to the figure.

I saw a post from last year about a similar problem with She Freak V4 that never had any conclusive resolution, but I followed the advice in it, namely ensuring that only one loaded runtime contains the M4/F4 files. I'm using Poser Pro 2014; the other post concerned DS but the suggestion was made for both programs.

I bought F4 specifically to use him with the Forest Prince products, which I've been coveting for a while and now have, so having nothing end up working is pretty frustrating. I've checked and everything is installed in the correct place, and Poser never asks me to locate files (even when absolutely nothing shows up with the INJ pose).

This is all occurring without any other morphs being injected except for M4's Morphs++. I have tried a fresh copy of M4 as well with no luck, and have tried downloading and reinstalling F4 just in case.

It's worth noting that I did try using the products in DS4 without any problem, save for file location requests; everything loaded fine.

I'd appreciate any help that you can offer! I was looking forward to getting to play.

Post edited by Cora Regina on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Where is Freak 4/Michael m4 installed (full path)?  How did you install them?

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2015

    Where is Freak 4/Michael m4 installed (full path)?  How did you install them?

    I installed them manually instead of using the DIM since I use Poser, and extracted them directly from the zip file into my Runtime (which I added from an older version of Poser). The only change I made was assigning M4 his own folder at the top of my Character folder hierarchy, and I've never had issues getting the figure or his other morphs to load.

    M4 lives at [Volume]/Applications/Poser 8/Runtime/Libraries/Character/ DAZ M4.

    F4 is in [Volume]/Applications/Poser 8/Runtime/Libraries/Character/DAZ People.

    All of M4's geometries are in the default locations (Runtime/Geometries/DAZPeople), and the !DAZ library folder is in Runtime/Libraries/. Library pose files for the injection morphs are also in their default locations (Runtime/Libraries/Pose/DAZ's Michael 4, and Runtime/Libraries/Pose/DAZ's The Freak 4).

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Did you run "DzCreateExPFiles-M4.command" after installing them?

  • Did you run "DzCreateExPFiles-M4.command" after installing them?

    When I tried my system threw back an error saying I didn't have permission to do it (even though I'm listed as having read/write), but I just took a moment and dug around on an old storage drive and found a version of the file that wasn't subjected to my recent OS upgrade.

    That one ran without a hitch and now things are playing nicely! Thank you so so much, I didn't even think about permissions and my upgrade to OS X 10.9 possibly being an issue in getting things to run until you mentioned running that. This isn't the first problem I've had with not being allowed to run or modify files even though I have permission to do it.

    Thank you again, running the older version of the file has everything working perfectly! Yay for being a digital packrat, ha!

  • Did you run "DzCreateExPFiles-M4.command" after installing them?

    When I tried my system threw back an error saying I didn't have permission to do it (even though I'm listed as having read/write), but I just took a moment and dug around on an old storage drive and found a version of the file that wasn't subjected to my recent OS upgrade.

    That one ran without a hitch and now things are playing nicely! Thank you so so much, I didn't even think about permissions and my upgrade to OS X 10.9 possibly being an issue in getting things to run until you mentioned running that. This isn't the first problem I've had with not being allowed to run or modify files even though I have permission to do it.

    Thank you again, running the older version of the file has everything working perfectly! Yay for being a digital packrat, ha!

    I'm having the same issue as you with Freak 4. Looks like you figured it out. Just one problem for me, I don't quite understand the run "DzCreateExPFiles-M4.command".  How do I get to that. 
    An instruction would be greatly appreciated. I use Poser pro 2014 on my windows 10 OS. Thanks guys.

  • Ok so I figured it out. It's under my runtime folder where M4 is installed. Just needed to run it and restart PC. Thanks a lot guys! 

    I'm having a similar issue with 'V4 Elite morphs' too though. I ran the DzCreateExPFiles-V4, but nothing is happening yet. Went through the same process. 
    What am I missing there??


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    shadowz said:

    Ok so I figured it out. It's under my runtime folder where M4 is installed. Just needed to run it and restart PC. Thanks a lot guys! 

    I'm having a similar issue with 'V4 Elite morphs' too though. I ran the DzCreateExPFiles-V4, but nothing is happening yet. Went through the same process. 
    What am I missing there??


    What happens when you run the V4 version?

  • ItsCeoItsCeo Posts: 471

    One of the nice people in support made a Freak 4 video.  I posted it here:



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