"sleep" moving objects? (temporary - solved)

I have a weird issue in my Daz Studio.
If, by script, I select a node in the scene, write "sleep (5000)". During this sleep, I move the node in the viewport. Then at the end of these 5000 ms the node comes back to its initial location. It it a normal behavior? I don't remember it happened before.
OK after testing on an old version of Daz Studio, where I did not have this issue, this behavior disappeared also in the new version. I don't know what could have happened, since I had crashed and relaunched Daz several times to check if it did not come from a "still" running script. I'll come back here if it starts again..
edit 2 : it started again and I share here why : if you have a "beginUndo()", some lines of code, a "sleep(duration)", but you stupidly put your acceptUndo as a comment, then the undo is applied at the end of the sleep (incredible, took me hours to find that!).
for weird issue, for undo, I have another one: Can not undo name change.
I can change a node name manully or by script, but can not undo, neither the toolbar undo nor script undo.