Why does this forum sign me out whenever I come here
I click the bookmark and come to the forum and the first thing that happens is a message that tells me to wait while they sign me out. Why?
And then I can't find a link anywhere to click to sign back in. I have to open one of the discussions and find an obscure link at the bottom of the page to click to "sign in to comment".
It's VERY annoying, and not very user friendly at all. I want to click on the bookmark, come to the forum, an BE signed in, just like every other civilized forum in the world. Where is the "keep me signed in" check box that every other forum in the world has?
GRRRR! (end of rant)
In ther upper right-hand corner of the page, there is a little 'blue guy' icon (or white when logged out).
Click it to log in.
There are a couple threads on this as you are not alone, it is cruel how it taunts you to wait like a torturer holding the red hot poker saying I will do you in a minute wait while I get a good grip.
Thanbks everyone. I finally got it all figured out! :)
I have the same problems as this, everytime I log-in I always, always, always tick the 'keep me logged in' box....... and everytime I come to DAZ guess what? I have to log-in every single time....grrrrrr!
Well, I thought I had it fixed. It let me in three timnes in a row wihtout loggin me out. But then just now it did it again, logging me out as soon as I came to the forum page.
Somebody really ought to fix this. (I'd voluteer, but I'm retired and I don't do server-side web programming any more)
Did you switch from a tablet/laptop/etc to another machine?
Nope. I only have DAZ on my desktop. My laptop runs Linux, and I never come to this forum from there.
Ok, because one of the causes seems to be switching devices. (or it greatly contributes to it)
It just happened to me! I always tick the "Keep me logged in" box but this morning it logged me out!
Wish someone would get this sorted.
It logs me out as well. Using the same desktop each time.