Can't apply skin to Genesis 3 genitalia

What I've done as shown in picture are

1) Load Genesis 3 (this case Teen Josie 7)

2) Select genitalia item in scene tab

3) Select genitalia in surface tab

4) Try to apply skin

What do I miss?

623 x 607 - 215K


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What skin are you trying to apply?  TJ7 doesn't include genital textures,

  • Thank you Fixmypcmike.

  • jaxprogjaxprog Posts: 312

    If you want Teen Josie to grow up with gens then you have to use an alternate Texture set other than Josie's.

    Load Josie into the scene. Apply the Gen prop to her body. Then apply victoria 7's texture set to josie and the gen prop and wahlaa, she's all grown up!

  • iSeeThisiSeeThis Posts: 552

    Thank you, jaxprog!

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