Thank you! Now we can do real art.
Posts: 82
Opening this thread to thank Code 66 and Lyrra Madril for creating the best product ever! Smashing that big button! You made my day.
Post edited by carlosgimpera on
It's definietly an upgrade from the old "Make Art" button! I'm stunned hat how they integrated the new DAZI - the new DAZ Studio AI into it.
Even on my low RAM, old video card, ten years old system, it works miracles!
All I need to do is load the Make Art button, select the content I want to use for my image from Smart Content (even smarter now with the AI!) give it a keyword - like Rubdiduprubbledidup-Snipsnap! - and get amazing art out of it, in seconds. It's like DAZI reads my mind. De-frigging-mazing, and at this price, a real steal!
I see that you figured out the secret prompt - well done!
Wow! I've never went from puzzled to angry to laughing in such a short amount of time. Well done DAZ, well done!
That button is pure genius!
The price is high but totally worth it in the end.
Have a wonderful April Fools day everyone!
A timeless work of art got immortalized in Daz.
Love it!
So well executed!
This could be my favorite one yet! Well done lol!
It easily is one of my favorites;. However, as an April Fool gotcha I think V8 when we were looking for Victoria 8 to be released is at the top of my list
That was good, but I'd have to say that the top spot has got to go to Pretty In Pink That one came completely out of the blue and kind of set the benchmark.
Look, I made art! (and finally found something to do with that chimp I bought months ago)
Ok, I'm feeling pretty dumb here, but I want to make sure I'm not missing out on something...
All it does is create a banana on a board, right? The "Stay Bored" button doesn't do anything? Or is there something else it does?
Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious! I just want to make sure I got the whole joke.
It also gives you a randomly generated message of wisdom that's mysteriously the same every time. What it does in the background, especially when you hit the "stay bored" button, no one really knows. Except for Totte, maybe.
But yes, I think you nailed that product's function.
I would imagine that "nothing" is exactly the Stay Bored button's intended purpose.
Ah, ok, good! I just wanted to be sure. Thank you all for the confirmation!