Computer Question

My new computer has 500 GB of SSD with the C drive on it. I then have a 2 TB storage D drive.
I'm starting to suspect that this computer is not going to work for me. Can I download a computer game, install it on the D drive and play it from there even though there isn't a program-files folder? Or is the storage just that, storage, like for pictures and such files? If so then I don't think that all my Daz files will fit on the SSD along with all my programs. I'm so frustrated.
NGartplay - I'm assuming the 2 Tb storage is an external drive. I don't use Daz or other 3D programs, for a while I used Bryce from an external drive and it worked well except that I had to attach it to my laptop all the time, later I got a SSD 500Gb drive and on someone's advice here, not sure who, Hansmar, Horo or Dave Savage, I got someone to partition the C drive and now I use Bryce from this partition. When I had problems recently with my laptop, the C Drive was only affected not the other drive where I have Bryce installed. I call it My Bryce Drive. Every now and then I transfer my completed Bryce files to a 2TB external drive. But I don't know about Games as such if they will work from an external drive, Bryce works that's for sure. Hope this helps.
NGartplay: Don't worry, no problem!
With only few exceptions, one can usually install programs (including their libraries) on drive D or on any other drive/partition. Simply change/adjust the suggested path during their installation. These programs will then store and maintain only few data on drive C (in certain personalized or User depending folders).
On my PCs, I use drive C:\ mostly for the OS and very few (old) software installations. Nearly all my programs are installed on other drives. (For a better overview, you could create a folder named "Programs" on your drive D and then install all softwares therein.)
NGartplay - no problems. I have all my Bryces from 4 to 7 and well as Studio 2.3, and two 4.x on the D Drive. Like hubert, the C drive is almost only for the operating system. I have many files also on the E, F and G drives, all run.
NGartPlay - I have a similar constellation on my computer as you have. The C drive is a 512 GB SSD drive and D is 1 TB storage drive. As mermaid010, hubert and Horo already stated, I also think with Bryce you won't face any problems, however perhaps rather with DAZ. There is one thing regarding DAZ you should be aware of. The "Basic Settings" in the DAZ Install Manager always take the C drive. You should change that to the D drive, if you download a lot of DAZ stuff. Besides the regular folders for DAZ products, DAZ uses an so called "Packing Archive" where all the ZIP files of all your downloaded packages are aditionally stored. As they often are quite large, this archive can be easily reach a size of 100 oder 200 GB in rather short time. As far as I can see, this archive is just needed for safety reasons during the installation process. Once the packages are installed it is useless . That means you can always delete any files in this archive without any drawbacks, even if you forgot to set the drive for the "Packing Archive" to D drive, for your package data is still stored in the regular folders.
One more thing, I haven't checked it, but I strongly assume, that the Basic Settings of the Install Manager are set back to the default settings (C drive), after each installation of a new version of the Install Manager. In such a case you should check the Basic Settings.
Thank you everyone for making me feel better. I'm still confused about how to install to the D drive (mermaid, it's not external, it's another drive inside the computer.)
The D drive has no program_Filesx86 folder or programs_Files folder. I'll assume that that is ok then for installing? Do I install Bryce to the D drive and let it set it up how it wants? I want to be able to have it find Daz Studio so I'd like them both in the same place. Should I install through the C drive but tell it to install on the D drive as its location or do I download the exe run to the D drive and activate it there?
Electro, yes, those zips have been saving to my old computer and taking up space. I believe that I can tell install manager to delete them after install. they take up a lot of space. I used to save everything to CDs but this computer doesn't have a CD player.
In my previous computer I had two physical drives, of which one was a SSD that contained most of the software and the other HD was split into three partitions. I did have Bryce on the SSD so not the same situation you have. But some other software was on one of the partitions of the HD and that did not lead to any problems.
@NGartPlay: Ha, ha, you know surely more about the DAZ folders than I
Good hint with the option for deleting the Zips after installing. I have just checked it on my new computer, but here I installed DAZCentral, where I could not find anymore the installation folder settings. BTW I let DAZ set it up how it wants and it was installed on C:. Maybe I will make a test, deinstalling it and try to reinstall on D:
Update: Meanwhile I unstalled DAZ3D from the C drive and reinstalled it on D drive and it runs smoothly.
I'm still confused about how to install to the D drive (mermaid, it's not external, it's another drive inside the computer.)
I don't have two drives maybe because I'm using a laptop.
Sorry can't help.
Thanks again everyone. Digital Storm got back to me and I had a technician give me a call. I couldn't talk to him because I was cooking dinner but we set up a time for tomorrow to take the peripheral panel and power panel off to adjust them. He's then going to help me install Daz Studio and I'll do the rest of the software. I want to get Install Manager on there then install DS. I'll do Bryce last. I want to keep the bridge between them.
Thank you for trying to help mermaid. I appreciate everyone's feedback.