Clothing Opacity
in New Users
Hiya. Is it possible to change the opacity/transparency of the clothing? I have increased "translucency weight" to 1.0 in the surfaces tab when a particular item is selected but not noticing a difference in the render. How does one lower the opacity of clothing to see through it, if its possible? Thanks!
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Check opacity. translucenciy is a bit different.
Would that be "cutout opacity"? That is the only opacity option I see and it comes at default value of 1., if you turn off the "max" setting and increase it, is that the answer? Thanks.
Turn it down, not up - 0 opacity is transparent.
awesome thank you very much!
I've done it by doing this:
Select the clothe, on the tab Surface-Edit, there is a "cutout opacity", as Anishost said. But the strange thing is that: 0.50 means totally transparent(it disappears), 1.0 means totally not transparent. So chose something between 0.51~0.99 will do the job. Another strange thing is that do NOT use + and - buttons, because it will lead to 0 and 1.0 (I did not notice that at the beginning). So, always type in the Value.
I got the item/ item parts totally gone with cutout opacity at 0.