57th Bryce contest (Lonely islands)

Sorry for the delay getting this contest up. I recently caught up with and old friend I haven't seen for 7 years. It reminds me that I've been living life like a hermit. So many things have changed. Like can you believe they charge you to put air in your tire now? Ridiculous!
Bryce Contest #57
Theme: Lonely Islands 
imagine being lost, or incomplete. feeling trapped in the mechanisms of a mundane life. Looking into the endless void of seamless oceans, dancing across your horizon. Cold winter nights, longing for the feeling of home, or company to keep you sane. A place with no radio, no tv, no internet. Just player, with a cd of Akiva Schaffer, Andy Samberg, and Jorma Taccone on the cover. Oh the humanity!
This is what this contest is all about. Spark up your creativity, and create your own coconut friend. Build a boat to help you pass the time. Or if your too lazy to leave your room, even use VR! It's quite a lonely island, and your imagination is the only limit.
All renders must be new renders.
You can enter up to 3 renders.
You must abide by the DAZ 3D forum TOS
Imported content is allowed, but the render must be obviously a Bryce render.
Post Work permitted, but please keep it to a minimum.
Please submit your works before the deadline
judging is done by a voting poll, which all members will be allowed to vote.
Challenge ends April 30th, 2023 (Extra time will be given if needed)
DAZ 3D Sponsorship, in the form of Store credit
Ist place $30 2nd place $20 3rd place $15
In addition DAZ 3D Store Credit will be given to the people whose renders are selected as the Honorable mentions,
$10 for each of 3 honorable mentions
We will also be offering a special prize for the render judged the best from a Bryce New User. DAZ 3D will add $10.
Judged by a poll which will be set up at closure of the challenge.
By entering this contest, you agree to allow DAZ3D to use any artwork you submit in any promotional materials they may choose
(Props to anyone who actually creates a coconut buddy. you will get my vote!)
Another awesome theme, love the animation
Oh, I love this one. Ideas already popping into my head.
Lovely theme, yes, and a funny animation
Funny animation, great theme, no ideas yet.
Great subject. Will be very difficult to beat our landscape-wizards in this case (as in all cases).
Wilson Island. This is a play on the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks. The Wilson soccer ball was his only friend. He thought that Wilson was gone but he actually started a family.
NGartplay - funny idea and a very well done entry.
NGartplay..... your entry let me smile..... thanks for this.
NGartplay : fantastic funny idea, wonderful image, and yes... it made me smile as well.
NGartplay - awesome idea, too cute, thanks for the smiles.
My first entry.
Title: Lost Dream Isle
Used: Bryce 7.1 Pro and an unpublished HDRI.
Horo wow awesome effect excellent render
Horo, that's a beautiful crystalline island. I love deep orange and hunter green together. Great job.
thank you everyone for the warm comments. You all made me smile too :)
Wow you guys work fast
Thank you mermaid, NGartplay (not so funny as your entry) and Apoc.
Horo : awesome image, great colours, special atmosphere.
Thank you adbc.
Noman Is An Island. Noman has been by himself for so long that he has become an island.
I couldn't help myself. I thought of the adage 'no man is an island' and I just had to give it a try. I used the Elemental and mountains from my signature image, adding a waterfall material to him. Slight postwork in the water.
I may rework this with a different sky. The eyes look eerie with the island material reflecting in them.
Very nice idea, beautiful composition, NGartplay the atmosphere suits the scene
NGartplay - surprising idea and very well done entry.
NGartplay : original idea, wonderful render, well chosen materials and sky.
Thank you mermaid, Horo and adbc.
Horo and NGartplay..... both are beautiful, and these Ideas are very impressive. Very well done.
- "Wilson Island": A cute little island. Wonderful concept and execution. Great water.
- "Noman Island": Nice pun! :) -- Another cool concept and great render. (Agreed about his eyes. I too find them somehow scary. At least much too dark.)
Horo: A dreamlike island. Beautiful mat and coloring.
Thank you Yellow Pen and hubert.
Thank you Yellow Pen and hubert. I think that his eyes will keep the Woodies at bay :)
NGartplay, fantastic two entries. Both are funny and very well made.
Horo, great colours in this render.
I made two versions of the same idea and find it very difficult to choose. I also made other renders with different skies, but these two should lead to one entry. Would be interested to hear your ideas about these two. Title would be 'shark island'.
And Then + perhaps - Thanx
That's tough Hansmar. I think that I like the top down POV better (#2) but not keen on the white shoreline. It looks like a string. I would zoom in a little closer (just a tad.) If any of the sharks disappear from view move them back into the scene, I love all the sharks. You met the challenge perfectly. A lonely island for sure. For grins you could try putting a skeleton next to the boat :) :)
edit: I'm sure that everyone will disagree with me. Looking at the first one again the sharks look good there.
ed3D, thank you for trying the challenge. Love seeing what you've created. It has that ancient, alien mystique about it with the pyramid in it and the space vessel.
Hansmar hard to chose I like both versions
Ed3d very nice entry