How to change the default background color
Posts: 2,969
Could someone please tell me how to change the default background color? I saved my startup scene in preferences to have a grey background but everytime I open a new scene the background is black.
Edit > Preferences > Scene, under "Backdrop Color" tick the box for "Ignore Settings When Opening a Scene File"
Well that does't work. The srceen is grey when I first start up Daz. But when I open new blank scene, it's black again
Ah, sorry, I thought you meant when you open a saved scene. in Edit > Preferences > Scene, put your startup scene in On New Load File.
In the menue: Window - Style - Customize Colors. Last entry is the Viewport color, you can change it there to the grey color :)
Thanks, I think that did it
My question is similar but different. In older versions of DAZ, i used to get a light blue background in my renders wherever the scene was empty. In later versions it was white. Now they're black. I'd prefer blue or even white, or at least some other lighter color; in my test renders anyway (I don't care how it looks in my view pane). What do i need to change to make *that* happen?
Window > Panes > Environment, set Ytpe to "Backdrop" and choose the desired color.
Yeah, that's a LOT better! thanks! :-)
Where do i find Ytpe mentioned below ?
It should say Type, the first option in the Environment pane.
Now i found it- Thank you.
Thanks for the info, this was it. :)
Mod Edit :- To sort out the quote.
Thank goodness! I had changed it to gray before, probably using these exact steps, but when I double-clicked on a product that opens a scene, it overwrote that, and I was stuck w/ a black background...and had forgotten how I'd changed it in the first place. I wish they'd add back the feature where you could just right-click on a blank spot in the scene, and it'd let you change the color there. Now I have to try to remember which products change the color...
Keep in mind that you have to keep "View in Render" on for them to show up and not have a transparent background.
Also keep in mind that Beem asked that question 3 years ago and many things have changed between then and now. Just mentioning because sometimes it may seem as if people are doing some things wrong while in fact they're doing it right because that's simply how it was done back then. Not saying that this applies here, just mentioned as example.