Game On 4 - The Sky



  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    hubert - good to see you did/do a landscape, very special but charming. Nice example, too.

  • benbr11benbr11 Posts: 23

    Fun game NGartplay! Really enjoyed seeing all the variety throughout the posts. I wonder if hubert is from Scotland? This is quite the accurate render as far as I am concerned! Hah!

    I used my first Bryce render as this is a nice chance to revist where it started.

    960 x 720 - 306K
    960 x 720 - 210K
    960 x 720 - 156K
    960 x 720 - 167K
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    Great job benbr11.  Each one of these gives a completely different feel to the original image.  It's a gradual change from sunny to sinister.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Hubert - two nice unusual examples, so you can do landscapes, hope you try more.

    Benbr11 - that's an awesome set of renders like NGartplay said from sunny to sinister.


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    benbr11 - great examples covering covering from day to night.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    benbr11 : "sunny to sinister" like NGartplay said is the right description, very well done.

  • huberthubert Posts: 414
    edited March 2023

    NGartplay, adbc, Horo, Mermaid: Thanks. :)

    Actually I enjoy doing landscapes, but let's keep this a secret please. ;)

    Since landscapes require much more efforts with long render times and also quite large workfile sizes, I prefer doodling abstract images (also as a rather unusual way to use Bryce).

    > (quote) "crazy, original, unusual, special (landscape)":
    Fully agreed! :)

    My occasional landscapes are always:
    - Kept very simplisitic, suitable for Woody scenes. (Wanna see Woody's visit on "Easter Island"??)
    - Or "otherworldly", so that nobody can complain about a "false look" or flimsy/inapt vegetation or texture issues. -- When I reused this old scene from 2002, I noticed several also technical flaws. Like an unexpected big shadow on the ground plane caused by one of my "floating" foreground terrains. Or Bryce render artefacts from intersecting spheres in which I used cloud-mats. I hid these flaws with a slightly different POV, by disabling the shadow of one object and by adjusting haze and fog. Much work, compared to a quick&dirty Hubism!! ;)

    > (quote) "The shiny sphere is a must :) "
    Shiny sphere? What sphere??  ;)
    Kidding aside: The original scene (once posted at 3DCommune) contained "Fat Fairies in Flight". In times now of #metoo, #CancelCulture and #NipplesForbidden this would have been too risky. So I decided to add some artefact instead to make this landscape a little bit more interesting. A shiny sphere was the easiest solution and I liked the reflected vegetation/objects.

    benbr11: Four beautiful and very different moody variants.

    > (quote) "I wonder if hubert is from Scotland?"
    Nope, am not Scottish and I have (unfortunately) never visited this wonderful country. Yet I am tight-fisted and I like Scotch Single Malts. Would this qualify for getting a honorary citizenship?

    Mermaid: Thanks!

    > (quote) "...hope you try more"
    Regarding landscapes.... well, I can't and I won't promise. ;)

    Post edited by hubert on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845
    edited March 2023

    hubert - the advantage of abstracts is the low memory footprint and the fast renders (a few seconds to a few minutes), the disadvantage (for me) is that the smallest change can make a huge difference and it gets really very difficult (for me) to finally decide which variant I want to keep. Doing landscapes is just the opposite. You work on them for quite a while until you get finally satisfied with the result, no need to select from any number of variation. On the other hand, the memory footprint can be very high and the renders can take hours, not seconds. In my early Bryce times, my time limit was 5 days for a render, now a night - computers got a bit faster in the last 20 years.




    Post edited by Horo on
  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    wonderful Work from you all here... I had some Problems with my PC, my Son in Law had fixed the most. So I think I can work again and Create some Pics with Bryce...

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    Remember Yellow Pen, that you can use an existing image.  Just change the sky.  Glad that you are back on.

    hubert, verrrrryyy clever sir.  Abstracts are much faster to render unless you're using lots of reflections with complex materials...but I digress.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651
    edited March 2023

    Hubert - Actually I enjoy doing landscapes, so cool that's great, no excuses now laugh

    Yellow Pen thanks.

    Another oldie Floating Island



    600 x 600 - 26K
    600 x 600 - 28K
    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    Ah - very nice examples mermaid.

  • benbr11benbr11 Posts: 23

    Mermaid they are so nice!! So very Bryce in all the best ways!

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    mermaid, the orange sky feels like end of the day.  A nice difference.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Thanks Horo, Benbr11 and NGartplay for the comments

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited March 2023

    Yellow Pen : thank you.

    mermaid : beautiful examples, nice and different.

    terrains based on images, different material and sky.



    terrain 5.jpg
    940 x 450 - 89K
    terrain 6.jpg
    940 x 450 - 93K
    Post edited by adbc on
  • huberthubert Posts: 414
    edited March 2023


    > (quote) "the disadvantage (for me) is that the smallest change can make a huge difference"
    Fully agreed! Not to forget all those (potentially much better looking) missed images that might be "hidden" somewhere in a specific set-up.

    > (quote) "and it gets really very difficult (for me) to finally decide which variant I want to keep."
    So true! I know this feeling much too well. ;)

    > (quote) "Doing landscapes is just the opposite. You work on them for quite a while until you get finally satisfied with the result..."
    So far, I was never fully satisfied with my landscapes. Most never met my plan/intention and my expectations. 

    > (quote) "and the renders can take hours, not seconds. In my early Bryce times, my time limit was 5 days for a render"
    Impressive! -- I myself never had the patience for scenes that render more than few hours. Especially not for using premium settings which could hardly be noticed in the final image. There I'd rather consider postwork, if feasible. Whereas I hate to spend much postwork and only then to notice a flaw in the finalized image due to sitting "much too close to the screen" all the time before. That hurts! :)

    > computers got a bit faster in the last 20 years.
    So true. Yet I am still waiting for "real time brycing" capabilities!  ;)

    > (quote) "Hubert - Actually I enjoy doing landscapes"
    Did I really write this?? I need much stronger coffee and plenty of Shiny Spheres™ now to compensate my insane statement!

    > (quote) "so cool that's great, no excuses now :) "
    Sigh!! Well, I could start gently and just rework an already existing old landscape scene. 

    You floating cities are nice. Perfect as illustrations for a children's book.

    Awesome terrains and mats! I love the lighting.  


    Post edited by hubert on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,845

    adbc - like some sort of city buildings in front of a mountain. Two good example, the first one looks beautiful.

    hubert - though I have nothing against postwork but if it does makes my result better, I think I made something wrong and go back to Bryce and work on the scene until postwork will not improve the result anymore. This is tedious and time consuming but helps to learn something.

  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    adbc, great change with lighting, nicely done.  The 'buildings' look wonderful here.

    hubert, real time can only dream. (insert Woody holding his breath)

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    hubert, Horo, NGartplay : thank you.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Adbc - two beautiful renders, I like both very nicely done. Thanks for the comment.

    Hubert - thanks

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid : thank you.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Mermaid... I love it. Beautiful.

    ADBC... fantastic works...

    NGartplay... thank you. I will test it.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Thanks Yellow Pen

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    I have an older one here...

    Wolken 2.jpg
    1300 x 731 - 684K
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    Yellow Pen, that is such a lovely image...beautiful.  Do you still have the file?  If so, change the sky to get a different look.  I'm so glad that you shared with us.  Beautiful.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    NGart play - yes I have the file, and yes, I can change the Sky... I do it.smiley

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920


    so... another sky. And, another Signature because I lost my old 2d Program with many beautiful writings and I have only this 2d Paint now....

    Wolken 3.jpg
    1100 x 619 - 125K
  • NGartplayNGartplay Posts: 3,168

    Just as pretty Yellow Pen.  It adds a soft glow to the image.  Thank you

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,651

    Yellow Pen - two beautiful images, truly outstanding,

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