March 2023 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Posing and Posing II

Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

New User's Challenge - March 2023

Sponsored by DAZ 3D

Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest render challenge!

Each month, there are two different challenges: A Beginner Challenge and an Intermediate Challenge.

So which "Challenge" should you choose?

Follow the Beginner Challenge if you are:

  • New to the New User Challenges
  • New to Daz Studio
  • Newer to 3D Rendering in General
  • Or if you have not participated in the March Posing Challenge

Follow the Intermediate Challenge if you have:

  • Participated in the New User Challenge for awhile
  • Know the basics of Daz Studio and would like to learn more in depth topics
  • Been using 3D Rendering Applications for awhile and feel comfortable with learning Intermediate Topics
  • Or if you have all ready participated in the March Posing Challenge

*Please be sure to list in your post which Challenge you are participating in*

Closing date for both is March 31st 2023

For a list of the current challenge rules, please see this thread: Challenge Rules

They apply for both versions of the challenge

Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited March 2023

    Beginner Challenge - March 2023


    Are you new to the 3D World? Are you at the beginning stages of learning 3D rendering? Have you been around for a little bit but feel you could benefit from some feedback or instruction? Have you been around awhile and would like to help other members start their creative journey? Well then come and join the fun as we host our newest render challenge!


    This challenge is a general render challenge with the focus being on how you pose the characters in your image. We're providing you with lots of great links on Posing from a variety of sources. To get started, find a photograph or drawing using this link or eg for dance poses this link to use as a reference. (Be sure the image you use is labeled for commercial reuse - though we will only be using it as reference, alternatively use your own personal photographs for reference.) Additional searches approved for use include RunningFighting. (These links go to DuckDuckGo, which may give different results for different searchers, and should give everyone plenty to choose from.)

    Then try to pose your character as closely as possible to match the reference image. For this challenge, please post your reference image or a link to it, and your render. This will give forum viewers an idea of the pose you are trying to achieve and will lead to more helpful suggestions. Have fun!


    How to Use Your Software:
    Software is often updated, and online tutorials and information often demonstrate older versions of the software. The software version you are using may differ in User Interface and tools available. Please share links to reference material that you have found helpful in the Challenge thread.

    in DAZ Studio
    Daz Documentation Center [Wiki]
    Daz 101: Posing
    Pinning, Posing and the Active Pose Tool
    Applying Partial Poses
    Daz 3D Posing, Pinning Poses, & Morphs
    Some good tips in this forum thread.

    in Poser
    Poser Tutorial: Quick Posing

    in Carrara
    Dartanbeck's simple method of character animation (Carrara Cafe article, great for those who prefer illustrated written tutorials)
    Huge list of helpful forum links (scroll to Animation and Posing section) If you have a problem, your answer might be here!
    Carrara 3D Tutorial - Posing a Figure
    Posing in Carrara
    Posing Tips - Carrara Cafe

    in Bryce
    While it is not possible to pose things in Bryce, you are welcome to do your posing in another program such as DAZ Studio or Poser, then export and render in Bryce. For information on how to use the Bryce bridge to import a DS scene into Bryce:

    Always worth a look: last years Posing challenge:


    I will be checking in, as will the rest of the Community Volunteers, to try and help with anything you all may need.

    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited March 2023

    Intermediate Challenge - March 2023


    Posing II using Advanced posing tools

    This includes powerpose, active pose and puppeteer, you can choose one or try yourself in all three. These tools give you a greater range to create your own new poses either from existing ones or from scratch. For example using puppeteer you can create new poses from existing ones on a fluent scale. It can be applied for animation as well, but for this challenge we will keep the focus on the still image.

    You are welcome to use one of the references for a pose from the links in the beginner challenge, but it's not a requirement.


    Information and Explanation


    Daz Animarion Power Pose


    And a useful thread:

    Daz 1.6: Animation Puppeteer Tool

    PowerPose tutorials

    Pinning, Posing and the Active Pose Tool

    Daz 3D Posing, Pinning Poses, & Morphs


    Puppeteer tutorials

    for DAZ Studio


    Tutorial : puppeteering in DAZ Studio 4

    Building a Coffee Shop scene in DAZ Studio using Puppeteer - 3D She...

    DAZ3D 4.8 - Puppeteer

    Hair Dynamics Effect in Daz Studio! Puppeteer from Poses!

    For Carrara

    puppeteer carrara (Older video, but still relevant. French language)

    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • Here's my start for the Intermediate Challenge this month.

    I did a little tweeking of the pose I started with to adjust his head and upper torso using powerpose.

    To do - texture work to convert to IRay

                add companion(s) for character and use powerpose on them for more practice

                add a skeleton or 2 to convey the state of things after the war

                add a threat stalking in the background.


    The idea I have is that we're in a setting like Fallout and the character(s) is/are having to look for a place to set up shop for the night before it gets much darker outside.

    1280 x 720 - 663K
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    Leaving Home


    Been a while. I think I may have been influenced by a recent anniversary... Needs something and I am not sure what!

    Leaving Homef.jpg
    2400 x 2400 - 2M
  • Version B here adding the potential foe in the background that I was mentioning with some powerpose used on it as well.

    Focusing on the composition of things before I work on textures and the like.

    1280 x 720 - 666K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Here's my start for the Intermediate Challenge this month.

    I did a little tweeking of the pose I started with to adjust his head and upper torso using powerpose.

    To do - texture work to convert to IRay

                add companion(s) for character and use powerpose on them for more practice

                add a skeleton or 2 to convey the state of things after the war

                add a threat stalking in the background.


    The idea I have is that we're in a setting like Fallout and the character(s) is/are having to look for a place to set up shop for the night before it gets much darker outside.

    An excellent start.  I am looking forward to the additions.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Alias52 said:

    Leaving Home


    Been a while. I think I may have been influenced by a recent anniversary... Needs something and I am not sure what!

    Is it your intention to have her blend into the building?  If it is then maybe a really soft rim light on her front to giver you a little more definition from the background.  Nothing really strong.  Maybe just a hint to start and then go from there.

    If you do not want her blending in with the building then try the rim on her back to help separate her from the building.

    This is a haunting image. .You have done a really nice job with the hands.  Getting one to cup another and look natural is not easy.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Version B here adding the potential foe in the background that I was mentioning with some powerpose used on it as well.

    Focusing on the composition of things before I work on textures and the like.

    Is there a gap in the buildings that is hidden by the camera angle?  At the moment I am getting the impression that your foe is coming out of the building?  

  • The dance teacher


    I have only posted once in a challenge quite a while ago

    Referance picture used

    dance pose3.jpg
    4963 x 6000 - 4M
  • Kismet2012 said:

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Version B here adding the potential foe in the background that I was mentioning with some powerpose used on it as well.

    Focusing on the composition of things before I work on textures and the like.

    Is there a gap in the buildings that is hidden by the camera angle?  At the moment I am getting the impression that your foe is coming out of the building?  

    Yes there is a gap between the hotel and the building to the left of my main character. 

  • While I was in Daz I figured I'd do some texture work. Here's version C.

    1280 x 720 - 674K
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302

    Leaving Home

    Thank You! Yes, the figure needed to be split from the building. Not sure it works yet, but this is the next try. Still playing with rear rim lights.

    Leaving Home2f .jpg
    2400 x 2400 - 2M
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    jako101182 said:

    The dance teacher


    I have only posted once in a challenge quite a while ago

    Referance picture used

    You have picked quite a challenging pose.  Interacting characters are a real challenge.

    You have done a great job do I need to get really nit picky to find anything to suggest.

    On the lady being held I think you need to rotate her left leg slightly toward the other figre.  When I look at the knees / ankles in he reference image and your posing the knee and ankle in the reference image is rotated slightly inwards and yours appears to be a bit more straight.

    The standing figure is a little more of a challenge to see.  In the reference image the holder is leaning back and to the side a bit to take the weight of the other woman.  I think you have the sideways lean but I am not sue your figure is leaning back at the waist quite enough.  In the reference image you can see a smooth curve from the knees to the shoulders in the holder.

    Having said all of this these very slight differences may be due to the height of the models in the reference image compared to the height of the figures you are using.

    You picked a very complex pose to start with and you have done an amazing job.  I find the refence image challenging to pick out details due to the low contrast between the backgroudn wall and the figures.  Your use of a darker background helps the figures to stand out and really shows off their posing.


  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited March 2023

    Image title, "Acrobats".

    The Bigelow brothers and their performing elephant, Baby Elsie, were no mere acrobats!

    RexRed entry for intermediate contest March 2023

    This idea popped in my head the moment I read this month's contest theme. lol laugh

    Sorry, the reference image is still lodged somewhere in my imagination. I am not sure if I was able to capture what I was thinking of or not.

    I think I was looking for more dramatic lighting, spotlights and all, I was limited also due to the height of my subjects. They had to fit in the scene, so I had to move back.

     I used a scene cutaway object to help the camera here and eliminate the tent.

    Acrobats smaller.png
    2000 x 1125 - 4M
    Post edited by RexRed on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Kismet2012 said:

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Version B here adding the potential foe in the background that I was mentioning with some powerpose used on it as well.

    Focusing on the composition of things before I work on textures and the like.

    Is there a gap in the buildings that is hidden by the camera angle?  At the moment I am getting the impression that your foe is coming out of the building?  

    Yes there is a gap between the hotel and the building to the left of my main character. 

    Camera angles can be frustrating sometimes.  I have had that happen to me.  I look through the camera and something doesn't look right but when I check everything is fine.  I thought something like that was probably at work here too.


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    While I was in Daz I figured I'd do some texture work. Here's version C.

    I do enjoy watching the evolution of your work.  


  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Alias52 said:

    Leaving Home

    Thank You! Yes, the figure needed to be split from the building. Not sure it works yet, but this is the next try. Still playing with rear rim lights.

    The change is subtle but that added highlight to the hair does help to draw the eye towards her face.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    RexRed said:

    Image title, "Acrobats".

    The Bigelow brothers and their performing elephant Baby Elsie were no mere acrobats!

    RexRed entry for intermediate contest March 2023

    This idea popped in my head the moment I read this month's contest theme. lol laugh

    I could not image being the guy at the base.  The posing looks excellent.  The buy on the bottom is using his leg to help brace his body to take all that weight.  The third guy has his body arched to stay in position.  I just cannot image how Baby Elsie got up there.

    It's fun to bring an idea to life.

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    Kismet2012 said:

    RexRed said:

    Image title, "Acrobats".

    The Bigelow brothers and their performing elephant Baby Elsie were no mere acrobats!

    RexRed entry for intermediate contest March 2023

    This idea popped in my head the moment I read this month's contest theme. lol laugh

    I could not image being the guy at the base.  The posing looks excellent.  The buy on the bottom is using his leg to help brace his body to take all that weight.  The third guy has his body arched to stay in position.  I just cannot image how Baby Elsie got up there.

    It's fun to bring an idea to life.

    This was a fun project, and Elsie looks like she is reaching for something. Perhaps a peanut dangling from a string. cheeky   

  • Version D here.

    Added the remains of an unfortunate soul and their rusted out armor leaning on the building to the right of the main character (from their POV).  Some powerpose was used on the remains the help with clipping into the scenery by the armor.

    1280 x 720 - 677K
  • RafaelRafael Posts: 145
    edited March 2023

    "By the window"

    My entry and my second-ever official DAZ Studio render!

    I should say that I approached the posing challenge a bit differently as the beginner rules state, so I guess the entry is for intermediate? But my pose is very simple.

    As what I want to specialize for now is in portraits, the photo reference is not a dancing or action photo, but a very calm and relaxed pose.

    My challenge was to use a photo of an empty chair and add a model coherently. I combined using some base poses, the property panel, and the Power Pose. It is really useful for the hands! An additional challenge was the lighting... as I missed the previous lighting challenge this is a double entry :)

    By the window

    Original background image:

    As the link to the original image is buggy, here are some screencaptures.

    One to do thing is to clean a bit the left arm, because it has a dark shadow. I guess because an unperfect alpha channel. But another day.


    667 x 1000 - 197K
    Post edited by Rafael on
  • RafaelRafael Posts: 145
    edited March 2023

    Perhaps the model was too big. I liked a lot the original angle of the legs, but as I make her smaller, the legs could not be inclined as much. So here is a more overall proportioned model-chair.

    Also, the left hand is a bit more relaxed and natural.


    667 x 1000 - 197K
    Post edited by Rafael on
  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302
    edited March 2023

    Leaving Home

    Next try...

    Hmm. Computer say no. Will try later..



    Post edited by Alias52 on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,983

    Alias52 said:

    Leaving Home

    Next try...

    Hmm. Computer say no. Will try later..



    maybe try posting the image in the gallery and use the link from there to fill the image tool adress

  • Alias52Alias52 Posts: 302
    edited April 2023

    Leaving Home


    That worked. Thanks, Linwelly.

    Trying to add a little more definition to the difference between her and the building.

    Post edited by Alias52 on
  • HLEET_3DHLEET_3D Posts: 172
    edited March 2023

    Intermediate Challenge

    Title : Funny Yoga Girl

    Using DazSoftware

    2160 x 2160 - 4M
    Post edited by HLEET_3D on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Shinji Ikari 9th said:

    Version D here.

    Added the remains of an unfortunate soul and their rusted out armor leaning on the building to the right of the main character (from their POV).  Some powerpose was used on the remains the help with clipping into the scenery by the armor.

    Nice job with the power pose.  Adjusting limbs manually can be tedious but the clipping issue needs to be fixed.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    rafael_f12aa018 said:

    "By the window"

    My entry and my second-ever official DAZ Studio render!

    I should say that I approached the posing challenge a bit differently as the beginner rules state, so I guess the entry is for intermediate? But my pose is very simple.

    As what I want to specialize for now is in portraits, the photo reference is not a dancing or action photo, but a very calm and relaxed pose.

    My challenge was to use a photo of an empty chair and add a model coherently. I combined using some base poses, the property panel, and the Power Pose. It is really useful for the hands! An additional challenge was the lighting... as I missed the previous lighting challenge this is a double entry :)

    By the window

    Original background image:

    As the link to the original image is buggy, here are some screencaptures.

    One to do thing is to clean a bit the left arm, because it has a dark shadow. I guess because an unperfect alpha channel. But another day.


    Welcome to the New User Challenge rafael_f12aa018

    It is not required for the Beginner portion of the Challenge to use an action pose. 

    I am glad you took on the Intermediate Challenge.  Posing hands can be tricky but can really make a difference in an image.

    As for lighting, you have a lovely rim light on her face.  Very nice soft light.  Do you have a fill light?  A more diffuse light that does not come from any specific direction?  A light of this type coming from the general direction of the camera will help to lighten the image overall and allow her to stand out a bit .

    This is a great start.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    rafael_f12aa018 said:

    Perhaps the model was too big. I liked a lot the original angle of the legs, but as I make her smaller, the legs could not be inclined as much. So here is a more overall proportioned model-chair.

    Also, the left hand is a bit more relaxed and natural.


    People and furniture come in all different shapes and sizes but if the scaling is off it will be one of those things that look "off" in an image to the viewer.

    Comparing the images a small adjustment to the legs might be in order.  If you twist her right leg that should bring the toes/ball of the foot closer to the floor.  Currently they are floating slightly.

    That might then allow you to loosent he bend at the knee of her left leg so the toes/ball of that foot can get better contact with the floor.

    Hopefully these subtle changes will not interfere with the hand placement.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Alias52 said:

    Leaving Home


    That worked. Thanks, Linwelly.

    Trying to add a little more definition to the difference between her and the building.

    That Rim Light is helping her to stand out from the building.

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