TCB data format in DSF files

{ "op" : "push", "val" : [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : [ 0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ] },
{ "op" : "push", "val" : 3 },
{ "op" : "spline_tcb" }
Are these 5 digit arrays in the standard order of tension, continuity, bias, scale, and time?
On the last val of 3, what does this represent? Is it just the total number of keyframes on the spline?
Thanks in advance!
Post edited by mostlyhuman on
Is this for a script or are you asking more generally about the DSON format ?
This is another instance where the documentation is simply insufficient. It is easy to infer that it works like a stack based processor, so the existing documentation again only explains the obvious. There is no description for the actual values that represent a TCB which is less obvious and has many possible ways it could work, with only one being correct. That will mean a lot of time wasted guessing and trying all the possible permutations.
I've needed this too. Instead of pointing to documentation that everyone has already said is useless, could you perhaps reach out to your DAZ contacts, and get a fuller story? I imagine it would take a busy dev about ten seconds to explain.
Richard, I cant find anything in the documentation that answers the question.
key (time), value, t, c, b - which I think means the first is the time, the second is the proeprty's value, and the last three are the TCB values.
The DSON documentation has been updated for chnages, and will be updated for future changes, but there is an unavoidable lag in when that happens.
ERC and scripting is covered here
Richard. Thank you.
Perfect, thanks!
See knot5 here
Thank, Richard, this is great! is there a way to search that specific documentation without searching the entire Daz website? If not, maybe you could make that a suggestion because I have a really hard time searching and finding things because it seems to search the entire site with forum posts and what not included.
Standard web search with should work, I am never sure whether further resticting it - - works or not.