Background images not showing up and characters look different now

All of a sudden when I ty to add a background image, it doesn't show up in the Viewscreen, but it's showing it is there under the Background Tab and my DAZ characters don't look the same anymore either. This all happened at once and I have never had this problem before and have been using DAZ for years. How can I get this working the way it used to?

Thanks Mike


  • Which Drawstyle is the Viewport using, or is this renders too?

  • afterdeath666afterdeath666 Posts: 11
    edited February 2023

    I will check that! Thanks!!!

    Post edited by afterdeath666 on
  • I just checked and found out it was the Drawstyle, somehow it changed because I usually have it set to Texture Shaded. I am not sure how it changed, but I see it can make a background picture not show up!

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