DIM Says there is an update everytime I login (SOLVED)

Been going on for about a week. (I have DIM Everytime I login to DIM to download purchases, it tells me I have an update. First two times, sure, download, go through update. Third time I tried the other option, "work offline". When I choose that option, DIM freezes up and I have to reboot. Waiting 30 minutes or more for DIM to go through an (unneccesary) update is getting old.

Anyone have any ideas?  I'd prefer not to uninstall/reinstall DIM if there is another option or if this is an issue with the latest version only? Maybe roll back DIM version?

Windows 10 PC, standard install for everything for DAZ except E drive, not C


Post edited by Umi no Senshi no Ishi on


  • In case others have similar issue, it seems Windows was trying to force an update at the same time. Or that is my guess. After last reboot, I went ahead and let Windows do it's thing against my better judgement, then I tried DIM again, got the update and it installed (to and seems all good now.

  • Is moon Mining machine or Modern military weapons 2?

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,438

    AgitatedRiot said:

    Is moon Mining machine or Modern military weapons 2?

    It is the template file for Moon Mining Machine that somehow remains in the downloadable list. It's been stuck there for the better part of a year. Look in your Product Library for Moon Mining Machine, and there it is, Install Manager Ready. Not.

  • Yup moon mining never goes away. 

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