Applying Headcap/Wearable to G8F with Geoshell
Hey, dunno if this can be asked here but i've run into a bit of a problem. I have a G8F Samara from Shinto and I was trying to apply Gens from meipe on to it. However, whenever the geoshell for the gens is applied, the headcap is turned white even though the headcap textures are set correctly. Ive looked around the forums and I think the problem is that since the geoshell is the new skin, the headcap is now parenting and molding to a skin that is not active? Trying to fit/parent the headcap to the gens solves the texture problem but the doesnt work for fitting it to the head without seams. Ive tried to get around it by parenting a second headcap to the first and then turning the first one invisible but no success. Any help or direction would be great.
You can always turn of visibilty of selective parts of the Meipe geograft by selecting the Meipe product in the scene, goint to the Parameter Settings > Visibility > Groups and clicking off the visibility of the headcap. It is white because the Meipes product is trying to include it but doesn't have any idea what texture to apply to the headcap so it uses a default.
Wow I didn't know that existed and it worked perfectly, thanks a bunch!
You are more than welcome!