DAZ + Weekly Featured Item still spinning its wheels
Posts: 296
in The Commons
Seriously, tech department? Over 24 hours now and one of this week's DAZ + featured items is still not loading on the membership page. And I know I'm not the only one.
Well, I won't hold it against you, Richard! What is it, anyway? I can see the Pit Stop set, but not the other one. (Or one(s), possibly, but I may have bought those already.)
Oh, never mind. Managed to see it by going into an incognito window. It's the Sci-Fi Rusty Railyard. Looks like the link's broken, though.
If you go to this thread in the Members Only forum, Jack posted links to everything from this week.
Any way for nonmembers to see them yet? If I like them, I pick them up for free when I buy something else.
The freebies?
The link works fine for me. https://www.daz3d.com/sci-fi-rusty-railyard
Try it when you are logged in. If it is a Daz+ Exclusive, you probably can't see it in incognito mode, because you aren't a logged in Daz+ member then.
You can see it when not logged in, but there's no price, just "Daz+ Exclusive", and there's no "Add to Cart" button, but you can add it to your wishlist.