DzProperty Enumerations and Interpolations

I don't know if that has been asked before, I tried using the search, but it keeps finding irrelevant topics.
Have anyone managed to use the DzProperty.setKeyInterpolationType method? It seems like it does nothing when I call it.
If I try to do DzProperty.getKeyInterpolationType I do get the right value.
Also, it seems like the Enumerations that appear on the docs don't exist in the class.
I'm referring to the following:
InterpolationType { InterpLinear, InterpConstant, InterpTCB, InterpHermite } PropertyResetFlags { ResetValue, ResetImages, ResetToDefinition, ResetDefault } PropertyValueSettingsFlags { Standard, IncludeDefault, CurrentValue, AdjustValue, SkipImages }
(on DzProperty)
Basically, I would like to know if someone managed to change the Interpolations keys via script.
Thank you in advance!
Post edited by galgalz on
Namespaces is not used for enumerations in the scripting API.
print (DzProperty.InterpLinear);
print (DzProperty.InterpConstant);
print (DzProperty.InterpTCB);
print (DzProperty.InterpHermite);
Executing Script...
Script executed in 0 secs 1 msecs.
I am not sure about setKeyInterpolationType not working, but I believe DzFloatPropertyies have a different API. mCasual's SetInterpolation script may show how to do what you are looking for.
Not all interpolation types make sense for all values - e.g. a Boolean, though there may be less extreme cases.
Thank you!!!
That script you linked is very helpful!